Scouting Blogs and News | Archived blog posts from January 2016.

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A Night of Wood Badge 2016

Posted to Scouter Adam on February 28th, 2016

This is the third year for a Wood Badge Dinner. It was something that I had asked about ever since I went through in 2009. Now, it is a staple of annual events within Cascade Pacific Council. The first dinner … Continue reading →... [more]

Make a plywood carabiner

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 26th, 2016

How to make a useful plywood carabiner to secure your stuff. It's not strong enough for climbing, but you can use this simple wooden clip to secure your stuff. WHAT YOU'LL NEED 3? carabiner 3?8? birch plywood Pencil Drill 1?4? drill bit Coping saw... [more]

So Far, So Good! Audio Book

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 26th, 2016

Happy to announce today that my book So far, So Good! A a new Scoutmaster's Story is now available as an audio book. If you aren't familiar with the book it's the story of Chuck Grant's first few months as a new Scoutmaster. Chuck is asked to take... [more]

Floating School in Lagos, Nigeria: Rafts in architecture

Posted to Ropes and Poles on February 26th, 2016

Image courtesy of NLE via their Makoko Floating School press kit . Makoko is a floating slum neighbourhood in Lagos, Nigeria , built on stilts and rafts across the Lagos Lagoon. NLÉ is a Nigerian architecture firm who designed this floating school... [more]

8 joys of playing the Mega Man Legacy Collection

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 25th, 2016

8 joys of playing the Mega Man Legacy Collection Here's what we like about this collection of original games celebrating Capcom's iconic Blue Bomber. 1. You get six classic platform games, all remastered in high-definition. Each gives you that... [more]

Scout troop lending a bunch of hands

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 25th, 2016

Scout troop lending a bunch of hands Boy Scout Vishakk Rajendran and the rest of Troop 100 from Tucson, Arizona, is participating in a cool service project: using a 3-D printer to create parts for prosthetic hands, then assembling them for those in... [more]

The Baden-Powell Method of Scout Skill Training

Posted to Scouting Rediscovered on February 25th, 2016

Baden-Powell was a master teacher. I don't know how much of the success of the Scouting movement was due to his instinctual charisma for training and inspiring others to catch his vision, but it certainly played an integral part. He became the... [more]

The Baden-Powell Method of Scout Skill Training

Posted to Scouting Rediscovered on February 25th, 2016

Baden-Powell was a master teacher. I don't know how much of the success of the Scouting movement was due to his instinctual charisma for training and inspiring others to catch his vision, but it certainly played an integral part. He became the... [more]

Florida Scouts

Posted to Scoutmaster Musings on February 24th, 2016

Before my Hike through Florida last month, I contacted some troops in towns along the trail. I hoped to visit with the scouts, share some hiking stories and advice, and encourage them to get out and enjoy the trail in their neighborhood. I wound up... [more]

2016 Blue and Gold

Posted to A Scoutmaster's Blog on February 23rd, 2016

The Cub Scouts and families of Melrose Pack 68 held their annual Blue and Gold Banquet on Monday, February 15th at the Melrose American Legion. Sixteen of the eighteen Cub Scouts attended the event. I was quite happy with the turnout. The Central... [more]

CS Shooting Sports

Posted to Scoutmaster Musings on February 23rd, 2016

Did you notice there are no shooting activities in the new Cub Scout program adventures? Nothing to replace the old BB Gun and Archery belt loops. Have no fear! A replace award is here! The Cub Scout Shooting Sports award should be available at... [more]

Issue 475 â€" February 23, 2016

Posted to Ask Andy on February 23rd, 2016

________________________________________ Bunch of years ago, while living in southern California, I had the delight and honor of being the first Scoutmaster of a brand-new troop. These young Scouts-recently graduated from nearby pack-just ate up... [more]

Learn It Young. Remember It Forever

Posted to An Hour a Week... left over after Scouting on February 23rd, 2016

I think that BSA should license and use this for their advertisements... [more]

Inside the March 2016 issue

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 22nd, 2016

Inside the March 2016 issue Here's what you'll find inside the March 2016 issue of Boys' Life magazine. Remember, many articles are exclusive to the printed magazine and are not available online. To subscribe to Boys' Life magazine, please visit... [more]

Podcast 304 â€" Founder's Day

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 22nd, 2016

What do you know about Scouting's founder? February 22nd is founder's day, the birthday of Scouting's founder, born in 1857, 159 years ago, in Paddington, London, England World Thinking Day is celebrated annually on 22 February by all Girl Guides... [more]

Scout Program: Citizenship

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 22nd, 2016

You're automatically a citizen of the country in which you were born. But that doesn't automatically make you a good citizen. As a citizen of your community and your country, you have certain rights, such as freedom of speech. You also have certain... [more]

13th Edition

Posted to Scoutmaster Musings on February 22nd, 2016

The new 2016 13th Edition of the Boy Scout Handbook should be in the hands of every new scout joining your troop this year. The new edition made what I believe to be some nice improvements, along with just a couple things not so much. The... [more]

Giving kids what's lacking in school

Posted to Bobwhite's Blather on February 22nd, 2016

If you have children in school, you have undoubtedly noticed that they are learning more complex subjects than you did as a kid, and are encountering concepts earlier in life. The stuff I learned in college – organic chemistry, calculus and... [more]

A super busy Weekend

Posted to The Scoutmaster Minute on February 22nd, 2016

Here's the recap: First, Friday night the Troop headed to the CPC's winter lodge for a great night of fun. We stayed the night at the lodge and on Saturday morning ventured out to White River for a night in the snow. Once we got the Troop over to... [more]

It certainly has been a while…

Posted to True North Scouting on February 20th, 2016

Wow…it's been well over a year since I last posted anything. A lot has happened since that last post. We've found a new home, and have settled into a new-ish life. We do things a bit differently now, not a lot of drastic changes on how we... [more]

Venturers tackle three climbs near Oregon's Mount Hood

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 19th, 2016

Venturers tackle three climbs near Oregon's Mount Hood No matter how strong you are, and no matter how tough you are, rock climbing will challenge you. There's an outward challenge - you against the rock, one handhold after the other. And there's... [more]

8 cool things about New York's new Nintendo store

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 19th, 2016

8 cool things about New York's new Nintendo store A completely new and totally state-of-the-art Nintendo store has opened in New York City at Rockefeller Plaza. I was there to witness the grand opening first hand. Here's what was super cool about... [more]

Count your steps to stay in shape with these devices

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 19th, 2016

Count your steps to stay in shape with these devices Experts say that most boys should average 60 minutes of physical activity and roughly 12,000 steps per day to stay healthy. Here are a few of the coolest ways to keep track of all that activity:... [more]

Limitations of Scout Leader Training

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 18th, 2016

No doubt – Scout leader training is invaluable, as are the selfless folks who volunteer to train their fellow Scouters (thank you if you do!) I recommend you take advantage of every training opportunity possible. Trained Scouters are more... [more]

Troop 118 from Glendale, California, didn't visit just one national park for their big summer...

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 18th, 2016

Troop 118 from Glendale, California, didn't visit just one national park for their big summer trip last year. When Troop 118 traveled, they went big-time, visiting four national parks on one epic outing. First, the guys drove 530 miles to Bryce... [more]

Visiting Country Meats

Posted to Scoutmaster Musings on February 17th, 2016

I often wonder about the processes used to make things. I'm always curious how someone takes raw materials and creates consumable products - for example, what all needs to happen to get that plastic gallon of milk into your refrigerator? Or, that... [more]

February KNOTS Cartoon

Posted to U.S. Scouting Service Project on February 16th, 2016

February 2016 Camping - Great Fire Winner of this year's KNOTS Caption Contest is ... Thye Schuyler of Salem Oregon! Thanks to all who participated! Cafe Press Items Copyright - U.S. Scouting Service Project | Visit us at | News... [more]

Issue 474 â€" February 16, 2016

Posted to Ask Andy on February 16th, 2016

________________________________________ Dear Andy, One of our troop's Assistant Scoutmasters asked the Scouts to assist in filling in pot holes in the parking of our troop's Scout house. The Scouts are expecting to earn service hours credit for... [more]

When Ben Linkous, an Eagle Scout from Troop 417 in Gulf Breeze, Florida, participated in the...

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 16th, 2016

When Ben Linkous, an Eagle Scout from Troop 417 in Gulf Breeze, Florida, participated in the Eco-Adventure program at Florida Sea Base , he was amazed at the fish, coral and other marine life that he saw. What could he do, he thought, to bring a... [more]

Scoutmaster Podcast 303 â€" Patrols

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 16th, 2016

How do you decide who ends up in what patrol? Patrols are not about managing Scouts, they are not an artificial construct. If you look at patrols from the perspective of your Scouts there's the only thing that's actually important – and that's what... [more]

Balloons Blow

Posted to Scoutmaster Musings on February 16th, 2016

Have you ever used Biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate? Sure, you have! But, you probably know it as the brand name of Mylar . It was developed in the 1950s by those great chemical folks at DuPont that also brought us neoprene, teflon,... [more]

What Makes a Patrol and Why? (TS101)

Posted to Scouting Rediscovered on February 16th, 2016

Scout Leaders, is your Scout Troop on autopilot? You're busy. I know I sure am! Most likely, the ‘Scout Leader' hat isn't the only hat you wear. Between work, family, and social responsibilities, you probably have a crazy schedule. Because... [more]

What Makes a Patrol and Why? (TS101)

Posted to Scouting Rediscovered on February 16th, 2016

Scout Leaders, is your Scout Troop on autopilot? You're busy. I know I sure am! Most likely, the ‘Scout Leader' hat isn't the only hat you wear. Between work, family, and social responsibilities, you probably have a crazy schedule. Because... [more]

What aren't they learning in school?

Posted to Bobwhite's Blather on February 15th, 2016

Every school day, our Scouts get up in the morning, have their breakfast, gather their belongings and head off to school for a day of learning. Important subjects such as history, English, mathematics, science, music and art are taught, with the aim... [more]

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Star Wars Blue and Gold Banquet

Posted to Cub Scout Ideas on February 13th, 2016

Are your Cub Scouts big Star Wars fans? Throw them an awesome Star Wars Blue and Gold Banquet with these ideas! The post The Ultimate Guide to the Best Star Wars Blue and Gold Banquet appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... [more]

Watch for these great games in 2016

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 12th, 2016

Watch for these great games in 2016 This year is shaping up to be one of the greatest for gaming in a long time. Here are a few of the best games to watch for: THE LEGEND OF ZELDA (Nintendo for Wii U) Delays have pushed this epic game back nearly a... [more]

How can I keep ticks away?

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 11th, 2016

How can I keep ticks away? Q. How can I keep ticks away? I love to go hiking, but every time I go outside, I always get attacked by ticks! What can I do? - Ticked-Off Nicolas, Nevada, Iowa A. I feel your pain. Not only are ticks annoying, their... [more]

Prepare for hiking with these 4 foot exercises

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 11th, 2016

Get ready for hiking with these 4 simple foot exercises. Training for a big hike? Perform these simple exercises a few times a week to reduce the risk of ankle sprains, aching arches and other foot-related injuries. Achilles Stretch Stand on a step... [more]

Issue 473 â€" February 11, 2016

Posted to Ask Andy on February 11th, 2016

________________________________________ Dear Andy, There's a young man (let's call him Jack; he's coming up on his 16th birthday) in our troop who has struggled with maturity issues. About nine months ago, my son mentioned that Jack had been... [more]

Just because a lake is frozen, it doesn't mean there aren't fish to catch. By Aaron...

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 11th, 2016

Just because a lake is frozen, it doesn't mean there aren't fish to catch. By Aaron Derr Photographs by Jim Evans In the winter, some lakes get so cold that the surface freezes over. In the summer, it looks like a great place to go swimming. In the... [more]

Creating separation

Posted to The Scoutmaster Minute on February 11th, 2016

Once a Scout meets the requirements for First Class the focus changes from basic skills development to discovering all that Scouting has to offer, service, and leadership. The Scout will discover Scouting through the merit badge program, high... [more]

With only some basic knowledge and inexpensive gear, you can have a safe, fun outdoors...

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 9th, 2016

With only some basic knowledge and inexpensive gear, you can have a safe, fun outdoors experience in even the coldest weather. By Aaron Derr Photographs by Jim Evans If you live in a climate like Miami, Florida, where the average low temperature in... [more]

Share Your Scouting Story

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 9th, 2016

I'd like to share your Scouting story on the Scoutmaster Podcast, here's why and how; Why Share? Because your story will help other Scouters. We all share the same challenges and difficulties, the same accomplishments and victories. How did you... [more]

Camping Checklist for Scouts

Posted to Scouter Mom on February 9th, 2016

When preparing for a campout, one of the most common questions from less experienced campers is "What should I bring?" This article from Boy's Life magazine is a good list of must haves for that campout. It covers the outdoor essentials you should... [more]

Pinewood Derby is mo

Posted to Boys' Life Magazine Pinterest on February 9th, 2016

Pinewood Derby is more than racing cars down a track, it's an event where communities come together to cheer, chat and celebrate Scouting... [more]

Which Way Did He Go?

Posted to Scoutmaster Musings on February 9th, 2016

I'm still here! I spent most of January on a hiking adventure through Florida. It was great to escape the bitter cold of Minnesota, but did no scout blogging. I hiked almost 500 miles. My son and I started at the southernmost point in Key West and... [more]

Scoutmaster Podcast 302 â€" A Scout IS…

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 8th, 2016

How would you answer that question? Sure, we have the Scout law but would you add anything? Find out how one Eagle Scout just about to "age out" answered that question in this week's podcast. In This Podcast Intro [1:05 ] Chris M's Scout Law ... [more]

Cub Scout Wood Projects: Build a Tray

Posted to Cub Scout Ideas on February 8th, 2016

Cub Scouts can build some cool wood projects, including this tray. Get your free plans here! The post Cub Scout Wood Projects: Build a Tray appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... [more]

Appalachian Adventure

Posted to Summit Blog on February 8th, 2016

As the snow begins to melt off the skate park and zip-line platforms, we know that the summer season is swiftly approaching! What short-term camping adventures does your unit have planned? Based in the James…... [more]

Is your committee on mute?

Posted to Bobwhite's Blather on February 8th, 2016

Meetings are almost universally despised. For most people, unless they absolutely have to be there (the committee chair, for example), they either attend grudgingly or find a reason to skip out. Unless a meeting is compelling and productive –... [more]


Posted to The Scoutmaster Minute on February 5th, 2016

A quick word about the ads that are in the sidebar of the blog. I have had a few questions asking about the ads in the sidebar of the blog… well.. not so much questions, but concerns that I am monetizing the blog or making a profit off of it... [more]

Starting Scouting's Story

Posted to The Scoutmaster Minute on February 5th, 2016

In this weeks Vlog we start the discussion on telling Scouting's story. I am a huge believer in setting the rules for how our story is told, shared, and promoted. We live in a great time for communicating what Scouting is all about. The people,... [more]

Arrow of Light Arrow Striping

Posted to Cub Scout Ideas on February 4th, 2016

The Arrow of Light is Cub Scout's highest rank. In many packs, it's customary to honor Arrow of Light recipients with a plaque, a ceremonial arrow or both. One of the traditions observed by many packs is to put stripes on the shaft of the arrow to... [more]

Issue 472 â€" February 2, 2016

Posted to Ask Andy on February 3rd, 2016

________________________________________ Dear Andy, A tradition in our troop is to have a Scout who's about to age out do the Scoutmaster's minute at his last meeting as a youth member. I think what our most recent "Scoutmaster-for-the-moment" and... [more]

What is a "Boy-Led Troop"?

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 3rd, 2016

Many Scouters claim; "We have a boy-led (or youth-led, or Scout-led) Troop," but what does that really mean? Official literature mentions this sort of thing often , but how is do we really define "boy-led"? We'd like to think what the Scouts do and... [more]

Patrol Leadership Training Program (with PDF workbooks)

Posted to Scouting Rediscovered on February 3rd, 2016

I can get really excited about traditional Scouting, but sometimes it's difficult to implement all of the principles in real life. It's especially hard for Scoutmasters, because traditional Scouting isn't just a system that can be mandated from the... [more]

Patrol Leadership Training Program (with PDF workbooks)

Posted to Scouting Rediscovered on February 3rd, 2016

I can get really excited about traditional Scouting, but sometimes it's difficult to implement all of the principles in real life. It's especially hard for Scoutmasters, because traditional Scouting isn't just a system that can be mandated from the... [more]

Pinewood Derby Poems

Posted to A Scoutmaster's Blog on February 2nd, 2016

I realize that many packs have completed their Pinewood Derbies, but I recently found this in my archives and thought it would be fun to share it again. Maybe these could be read during your council Pinewood Derby. In December of 2008, Len of Pack... [more]

Write a funny caption for this photo

Posted to Inside Boys' Life on February 1st, 2016

Write a funny caption for this photo What's going on in this picture? What is that lion doing and what is it thinking? If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve... [more]

Scoutmaster Podcast 301- Your Scouting Vision

Posted to Scoutmaster Clarke Green on February 1st, 2016

What's your vision for Scouting? Have you ever taken the time to really examine your Scouting vision, how you picture where you are headed as a Scouter? When I first became a Scoutmaster my vision was defined by what I knew at the time. The... [more]

Surviving your first Blue & Gold Banquet: The big day

Posted to Bobwhite's Blather on February 1st, 2016

Your Blue & Gold Banquet is tomorrow and you're fully prepared. You've planned, checked and re-checked every detail. Your committee, den leaders and parent helpers have everything taken care of, and you're ready to step up and run a successful... [more]

Hour a Week/Black Diamond Cosmo

Posted to The Scoutmaster Minute on February 1st, 2016

So it's an hour a week they say… Enjoy.. Tell a friend, share, and let me know what you think. Have a Great Scouting Day! Filed under: blog , Camping , gear , Ideals , Journey to Excellence , Leadership , Service , Values... [more]

The 5 Gallon Mark

Posted to Scouter Adam on January 31st, 2016

I will do anything for a patch, shirt or some sort of swag. I will also do things that help others. In 2010 the Boy Scouts of America held it's 100th Anniversary. To celebrate it, the BSA created a patch … Continue reading →... [more]

Snow Peak Giga Power Stove Review

Posted to The Scoutmaster Minute on January 31st, 2016

Like I state in the video this is a Super Stove for all Scouts, especially the first year Scouts looking to get a stove that will last a long time. The Snow Peak Giga Power Auto Stove is light weight, compact, and is tough as nails. It weighs in at... [more]

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