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Posted to A Scoutmaster's Blog on August 30th, 2019
The Bottomless Lake song may have been new to the Boy Scouts at this Many Point Scout Camp summer camp campfire, but they sang good and loud by the end of it... [more]
Posted to Scouter Mom on August 14th, 2019
Sara asked this question: I'm trying to gain advice. We have only about 8 female Cub between the grades of 1-5. I'm fairly certain that even after recruitment we will still have ot at least be divided 1-2, 3-4, and 5. If we have any lions we will... [more]
Posted to Scouter Mom on August 12th, 2019
This is a game we played at a Pack meeting about a month ago. The goal is for two Scouts to work together to make a simple lunch. The challenge is that they each have one hand tied behind their back. This forces them to communicate to get the job... [more]
Posted to Scouter Mom on August 6th, 2019
Our pack was in need of a Cubmaster. I waited because I didn't want to take the position from one of the parents if they wanted it,. But since school is right around the corner and nobody had volunteered yet, I said that I would love to be... [more]
Posted to Channeling Whittlin Jim on August 3rd, 2019
Why Google why? WW II History week by week While I don't normally get involved in different movements, I find the recent censorship by Google and YouTube of historical channels repulsive. Please share by using the hashtag #HonorOurPast... [more]
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