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Hidden Money Pocket

Orginal brand: October 2010 Build: 2016 Time to build: 1.5 hours While I was at Wood Badge the staff had a brand and I just happened to have a piece of leather. The result was a great start to this slide. The front is the branded leather and the... From Channeling Whittlin Jim 7 years ago

10 tremendous Scouting resolutions for the new year

Eat healthier, get more exercise and read more. We hear about the same old resolutions New Year after New Year. So I asked Scouting magazine readers for their BSA-focused resolutions for the new year. Here are 10 of my favorites. 1. Recruit more... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Issue 513 â€" January 3, 2017

________________________________________ Hi Andy, Any tips for a dad going on a Philmont trek? I know my son will have no problem this summer; it's me I'm worried about! Unfortunately, so far I've taken "Be Prepared" to the extreme and I've wound... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Christmas 2016

We all have an image of the "perfect" Christmas.  It is one of those images that we hold deep in our hearts.  An image of a Christmas from our childhood, a vision of the ideal Christmas from It's a Wonderful Life.  We think of bells and decorated... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

At Interamerican forum, Scouts and Scouters imagine world peace

Can't we all just get along? If there were more Scouts in the world, absolutely. That's the irresistible takeaway from the 2016 Interamerican Youth Forum and Interamerican Scout Conference, held last month in Texas. Representatives from the BSA met... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

The network

This weekend I spent the better part of it at the Area 1 of the Western Region Training Conference.  This was my second time going to the conference, last year I had to go as the "back up Course Director" and this year to certify as a Course... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

What are you?

In the last blog post I shared my answers to the first four questions of the 20 questions that we ask participants of Wood Badge to consider before they get to their course. Who you are and what you learn about yourself gets you started in... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Who are you?

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to." "I don't much care where –" "Then it doesn't matter which way you go." ? Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Before a Scouter... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Building My High Performance Team

In the Wood Badge program everything we do.. and I mean everything, is a model for what the Scouting program is supposed to look like.  From the way we dress to the way we strive to be a High Performance Team, the Wood Badge staff models success... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Issue 504 â€" October 25, 2016

________________________________________ (Nope, this isn't a pre-Halloween horror story… It's real.) Hi Andy, Our son joined a troop of his choosing when he crossed over as an Webelos, and my husband (an Eagle Scout, former Assistant Cubmaster,... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Enough is Enough

I once had an Assistant Scoutmaster in our unit that came to me one night and announced the he was "Burned Out" and that he was leaving Scouting because "Enough was Enough".  He felt that he no longer had something to give the program.  Well, much... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

And I'm going to work my ticket if I can…

Those of us that have been to Wood Badge, and those that have been around to hear a group of Wood Badgers sing the Gilwell song have heard the refrain "and I'm going to work my ticket if I can.." What the heck does that mean? Well, there is not a... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Inside the Thomas S. Monson Lodge in Utah, a new Scouting masterpiece

The building, with its striking design in a breathtaking setting, looks almost too nice to use. Fortunately for the Scouts and Scouters of Utah, though, the Thomas S. Monson Lodge has as much function as form. The 18,000-square-foot Scouting... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

One small step for …!

In 2015 I was informed that the Council had decided that I would be a Wood Badge Course Director, if I chose to accept the position.  It did not take a lot of time for the answer to come from somewhere in the brain to the mouth and I quickly said I... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago


As this new Journey begins I thought it was time for a new look.. a fresh start.. that feeling you have when you change your socks before a long hike, you know, it feels warm on your feet, clean, and cozy. With my renewed sense of enthusiasm,... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

How to plan a troop or camp reunion to celebrate 25, 50 or 100 years

Troop 1 of Sacramento, Calif., celebrated its 100th anniversary with a powerful, well-made video and a special neckerchief . Troop 1 of Wichita Falls, Texas, reminisced about a century of existence at a reunion banquet attended by Glenn Adams,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

I'm Back

After about a year off.. The Blog is back!.. Now I don't expect you all to jump up and down and praise the Scouting gods. And.. I'm not going to give a long explanation as to why I took some much needed time away.. lets just say.. The blog was not... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Getting your EYO program off the ground

Here's an email I got from a couple who were just called to be Eleven Year Old (EYO) Leaders of an LDS unit in Sacramento, California.  Sheri wrote: My husband and I have been called to teach 11 year old scouts in the LDS church. I am looking for... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 8 years ago

Beagle Scout Patrol

I partook in Wood Badge training way back in 1990. From what I hear, the current Wood Badge course is a little different than the one I attended. I did not plan to go to a course that year until another Scout leader decided to give me a kick by... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 8 years ago

Why shouting 'sign's up' to quiet Scouts kind of defeats the purpose

The Scout sign holds incredible power. Without saying a word, a leader can raise the Scout sign and transform a room of rowdy Scouts into a quiet, attentive group. Sometimes it take a few moments, but eventually the Scouts notice the silent signal... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Issue 494 â€" July 5, 2016

________________________________________ Hi Andy, I have a problem with my grandson, who's a Star rank Scout. I'm an "old timer"-been in Scouting as an adult since 1988-and still proud of my Scout uniform. My wife (his grandmother) and I pay for my... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Wood Badge methods inspire executive training program in Rwanda

We think of Wood Badge as a way to deepen our impact within our immediate circles: at home, in Scouting, at work. But Kevin Etter, whose Wood Badge critter is a Bear, has unlocked a way to bring Wood Badge principles beyond Scouting and, indeed,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Sparks will fly when Cub Scout leader competes in Season 2 of 'BattleBots'

A software developer by day and an assistant Cubmaster by night (and weekends), Randy Farmer has one of the coolest hobbies imaginable. Farmer (top row, left) is a member of Chaos Corps, a robot-building team from Atlanta that will appear in... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Meet your 2016 Silver Buffalo Award class

The Archbishop of New York, the former CEO of Kampgrounds of America and the driving force behind the Composite Materials merit badge are three of the dedicated Scouters who received the Silver Buffalo Award at a special ceremony tonight. The 2016... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

First look: 'Troop Leader Guidebook' Vol. 2, designed for experienced Scouters

Once you've mastered the basics of Boy Scouting, it's time to level up. That's the goal of Volume 2 of the Troop Leader Guidebook , the BSA's publication for experienced leaders that addresses topics like self-evaluation, succession planning,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

A Night of Wood Badge 2016

This is the third year for a Wood Badge Dinner.  It was something that I had asked about ever since I went through in 2009.  Now, it is a staple of annual events within Cascade Pacific Council.  The first dinner … Continue reading â ’... From Scouter Adam 9 years ago

Issue 474 â€" February 16, 2016

________________________________________ Dear Andy, One of our troop's Assistant Scoutmasters asked the Scouts to assist in filling in pot holes in the parking of our troop's Scout house. The Scouts are expecting to earn service hours credit for... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Starting the New Year off Right

Happy New Year! Starting the New Year off right for me becomes more and more important each year.  I'm not sure what it is, probably just part of the ageing process and gaining a better understanding of what is important [to me]. So as we kick off... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Issue 467 â€" December 29, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, Last week (December 22 – Issue 466), in response to a 14 year-old Scout who's been getting into fights, with punching Scouts in the face, kicking them in the shins with steel-toed boots, and... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Issue 465 â€" December 15, 2015

________________________________________ A fine Scouting friend, and true gentleman, Kendall Brown, has "gone home." Thank you, Kendall. It was my honor to have known you. To your family, please accept my profound sympathy for... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

ILST.. what did we learn?

Introduction to Leadership Skills Training (ILST), for some of you it means JLT others remember TLT.. either way it amounts to training your youth leaders to make their troop better.  Each year we conduct our youth training with the goal of getting... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Is Wood Badge Training For You?

Earlier this month, I served on staff for another Wood Badge course… this time as Senior Patrol Leader. What another great occasion it was to be surrounded by amazing people with a desire to do their best in a program that was designed to change... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 9 years ago

Issue 461 â€" November 19, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, I've searched your past issues, and couldn't find an answer to this question, so maybe I'm the first… I recently returned from the first of our two Wood Badge weekends, at which we were all given... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Compass Points Podcast

For regular readers and followers of this Blog, you will no doubt recognize this guy to my left.  Jerry Schleining-Jr.  I have known him as a friend since about 2009 after I took Wood Badge with one of his ASMs.  We … Continue reading â ’... From Scouter Adam 9 years ago

Issue 460 â€" November 10, 2015

________________________________________ Here's more on the idea of parents tagging along on every possible Boy Scout outing… Hi Andy, "Amen" to discouraging continual parental accompaniment! Thanks for discouraging continual parental accompaniment... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Living or Dying

A Scout Troop is a family.. and it's either living or dying.  It's either growing or shrinking, viable or withering on the vine.  There are many reasons for this, but the point of the matter is that if we are not watching for it we will let units... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Issue 448 â€" July 30, 2015

________________________________________ Hi Andy, I have a new "Andy's Rule" for you, that I learned the hard way: "It's easier to grow a spine than to have someone manually insert it." (Jimmy Day) Amen, Brother! ========== Hi Andy, I joined Scouts... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Passing it on

I have always been a fan of training.  I think that training makes us better.  The more you know, the better equipped you are to lead.  In Scouting the more you know about the program, the more you know about skills, and the more you know about... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Badges… we don't need no stinking Badges…

While it is true that we don't need no stinking badges… We do have a need for patches and lots of them. If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I am in a patch phase.  Well truth be told, I have been a patch guy for a long... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago


Its never late to learn, you are never to old to figure things out… you don't know it all. You know what famous person this quote is from? neither.. I just wrote it, but I am sure that there are lots of great leaders out there that... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

New Pack- Quick Look

Hey gang.. Been awhile.. certainly got away from my blogging goals over the last couple weeks. No real excuse other than to say other things have taken priority. The Troop obviously, Staffing Wood Badge once again, and of course family life.  Other... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago


Like most units, our Troop has a new Scout Patrol that has started their Scouting adventure in earnest. They crossed over in February, like most Webelos and went on their first camp out with the Troop that following week.  The Troop went to Camp... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Cub Scout Song Book

Amy wrote me and asked me if I would post a Cub Scout song book she made to fill a ticket for her Woodbadge course. My answer was yes! Her song book is below. It contains a lot of classics your pack will enjoy singing also.(...) Continue reading... From Scouter Mom 9 years ago

Issue 435 â€" March 3, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, While at the Philmont Training Center for a week-long session on advancement a few years ago-which overall was very good-we spent part of one day talking about getting a new Scout to First Class... From Ask Andy 1 decade ago

The Value of time

One of the most frequent excuses I hear from Scouters is that they do not have enough time. Time for family, work, sports, scouting, hobbies, church, volunteering, etc. There's just not enough time. Well folks, there is plenty of tim e.. in fact no... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Green Bar Bill and Wood Badge

It's Wood Badge Wednesday time again.  In this post I want to share a bit about my Scouting Hero William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt. Everyone knows that William Hillcourt wrote books for the Boy Scouts of America, but few are aware of all of the... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Top 10 things to get a brand new troop up and running

Over the weekend, I had the privilege of teaching Basic Training to a group of Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters from my District…15 of them with experience that ranged from being brand spanking new in a troop just being formed to a few... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Wood Badge Wednesday- The Woggle

I am the assistant Scribe for Wood Badge Course W1-492-15.  This is my third time staffing Wood Badge and I am super excited to once again have the opportunity to help the participants get the very most out of their Wood Badge experience. Our... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

20 Questions

picture from So lets start the New Year off right… looking back and learning from the past and setting goals for a better future.  Knowing who you are and where you want to go.  Setting a vision for the new year and seeing it to... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Mini Wood Badge Patrol Flags are an Excellent Aid for Wood Badge Presentations!

Mini Wood Badge Patrol Flags are an Excellent Aid for Wood Badge Presentations! is from the ClassB® Custom T-shirts Blog Copyright © 2010 ClassB, Inc.. This feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material in your... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.