Scouting Blogs and News | Celebrate 100 years of Scouting by sharing what you've done over 100 days to promote Scouting.

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100 Days of Scouting: Day 20

Today I: Talked to the sales guy at Lowes. Found out he was new to the area, had been a Scoutmaster for 15 years, is OA Vigil, has an Eagle Scout for a son and hadn't been in touch with the local council yet. Emailed my DE about our new resource at... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 29

Today I: Worked with our SPL to get a pack inspection set up for Wednesday night. Many of our younger Scouts have never been on a backpacking trip with us and this gentle 16 mile weekend will be a first for them. Spoke with the National Park... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 71 - 82...yikes!

Ok here we go 4/22 Thursday: - Eagle Boards of Review for District 4/23 Friday: - left with Troop for Spring Camporee at Camp Ransburg...a Medieval Theme - brought 43 Scouts and 16 prepared for rain 4/24 Saturday: - poured last night,... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 21

Today I: Had a conversation with a Scout that many Scoutmasters have never had. The Scout wants to earn the Hornaday Award . Much rarer than Eagle Scout. Answered more questions about summer camp. Posted " A Scout is Kind ". This is going to be... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Days 18 & 19

It's a twofer today: Friday was another quiet day as I have been sick this week... - worked on website ideas for New Scouts - added Critter to my Wood Badge presentations - talked to District Eagle Chair about Eagle Projects Saturday (today) I... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 7

It was just one of those days... - sent files to get printed for TLT Book for this weekend. - called SPL to remind him about Fish Fry this Friday and find out what he would be teaching at TLT and any thing he wanted to change or get rid of - took... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 10

Yes this is being posted at 4am on Day 11 :) Today (yesterday) I: - went to Scout Shop and purchased a new Handbook, some PoR Patches and Trained Patches - contacted the last Troop Guide Candidate and talked to the SPL about him...chosen :) -... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 40

Scouting For Food: Every year the BSA teams up with other organizations to collect food for local pantries and shelters.  This morning we gathered at a local plaza and 52 Scouts split into 11 groups.  Walking and collecting bags and boxes we... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 53

Today I: Helped a(nother) Scout with his merit badge selection for summer camp. Sent out a lot of information (all I could find) on Twitter about the new Historic Merit Badges: Carpentry , Signaling , Pathfinding , and Tracking . There are pdf... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 2

And so continues the celebration! Today I organized the Leadership position wants and needs for the SPL to pick his Quartermasters, Historians and Librarians. I then went to the Troop Committee meeting to give the Scoutmaster's Report.  I had... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 49

Monday's after campouts are always a little busy as I gear up for the PLC meeting and recover from the weekend. - answered about 15 emails for new parents about the campout.  Each one said what a great time their Scout had.  I made sure I... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 7

Welcome my friends to the show that never ends: - Continued working on the TLT handbook - talked with SPL about TLT and PLC meeting - edited TLT powerpoint to add some changes I've been thinking of - went to PLC Meeting, ran most of it as it is... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Days 47 and 48

Left for Camp Cullom on Day 46 (Friday) at 5pm.  We had 83 Scouts in tow with about 25 Adults to drive and some stayed.  We got there with no problems and set up camp.  What a great surprise it was when the 1st Year patrols (3 of them) set up their... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 12

Day 12 was a full day of Scouting!  It was Day 2 of Troop Leader Training Weekend. We would be he all day if I recalled each and every Scout thing we did but here are some highlights: - Talked about The 8 Methods of Scouting - Servant Leadership -... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 36 & 37

Woops, forgot to post last night! Monday: - organized the Scout bag.  Took my Scout box and extra files and built a Scout Bag with my new Wood Badge Staff bag.  Apps, patches, books needed and always in the car ready for a meeting - worked on... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Days 58 and 59

The end of a turbulent week: Day 58:  - chatted it up with several internet Scouters - designed a new online Adult Resource form for the Troop Day 59: - built HipsterPDAs for my Wood Badge patrol - listened to True North Podcast and Skyped the... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 34

Today I: Backpacked with the troop 10 miles, in rain and strong winds. Stayed reasonably dry and warm (writing this a day in advance, so this is wishful thinking...). The things we do for Scouting! What was your Scouting goal today?... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 62

Today I: Hiked a few miles with the troop. Wrapped up a camping trip, and drove some of the Boy Scouts out for the Webelos Crossover tonight. Received six brand new Boy Scouts into the troop. They have decided to be the Flaming Arrow patrol. Cool... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 6 to Day 10

100 Days of Scouting blog keeps rolling along--10% finished now! More days: Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Don't be bashful--stop over and share your love of Scouting!... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 28

- Started my To Keep Myself Physically Strong project: live up to the Oath and get myself into shape that I can be proud of and be a good example to the Scouts - talked to SPL about tomorrows meeting - Talked to Adult Leader about cancelled SeaBase... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 43 and 44

Greetings Scouts and Scouters! My 100 days project is turning into an every other day posting event: Tuesday: Day 43: Scout meeting night!  Talked with SPL about his not being at the meeting.  Found out who was his ASPL replacement and found... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 56

Tuesday is meeting night, always a great time.  Tonight however was a little different as it is also Spring Break here.  So we had a fraction of the number of Scouts we usually have.  The 1st Year Scouts worked on a little project while the older... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 32

What was supposed to be a big day with Roundtable and Wood Badge Beading Ceremony turned into a night at home: - chatted with Scouting For Food Organizer about Saturday - sent out several emails to the new Scouts - updated TroopMaster - explored... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 84

Today I: Collected a couple of late summer camp payments. Listened to the crew's adventure at the Orioles-Red Sox game. 95 degrees today, and gardening was king. More Scouting tomorrow--promise!... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting project

100 is a powerful number. 100 years of Scouting. 100% is everything. 100 degrees is hot weather, no matter where you are. On the 100th Anniversary of Scouting, I started a new blog: 100 Days of Scouting . The purpose is to record the positive... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 49

Today I: Cleaned all of the Scout boxes and stuff on shelves in the garage, and moved them to the workshop, shed and Scout storage area at church. Gutted the Scout storage area at church, and tried to organize. Way too small a space for a pack,... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 81

Today I: Broadcasted the new Scouting Heritage merit badge information on Twitter, Facebook, via email to the troop, and other Scouters. Oh, asked the Scout store when we can expect the manuals. Reminded the crew about the new age and grade... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 30

Tuesday is always the big Scouting Day! - Scout meeting!  Worked with SPL where he needed me.  Took some time to visit several Patrols during to just chat - worked with oldest patrol looking for some of them to 'step up' the Troop needs... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 67

Today I: Finished cleaning up from the camping trip this weekend. Yuck. Mailed in the check for the crew's they get ready to launch another one. Busy crew! Very motivated. Started fielding questions from new Boy Scout parents...;-)... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Days 69 and 70

Monday was a catch up day as I spend the past 5 days in Wood Badge mode... - stopped by Scout Shop to turn in Scout App - picked up Star Rank patch for newest Star Scout - experimented with new website server - updated official Troop Calendar... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 66

Today I: Updated a previous 100 Days of Scouting , to reflect a Scoutmaster Conference successfully had on our campout Saturday. Continued my quest for a fairly inexpensive, 15 degree-ish, mummy-style sleeping bag. I'm a big guy and not having much... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 1

So it starts, the next Scouting century! Day 1: Assisted the Troop in elections tonight.  We elected a new SPL and 7 new Patrol Leaders. Also am working with a Life Scout putting together his Eagle Book. Remember: Volunteer for Scouting!  It's... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 73

Today I: Distributed 7 copies of the Parvuli Dei religious emblem book and 2 copies of Light of Christ . Escorted the Tiger Den and the Webelos Scout den to the fire station. Confirmed the Tiger Go See It at the newspaper on Monday. Enjoyed the... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 18

Today I: Finalized (almost) Cub Scout summer camp roster for the pack. Will have final couple of answers tomorrow. Finalized (almost) Boy Scout summer camp roster for the troop. Will have final couple of answers tomorrow. Wrote about last night's... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 36 to Day 40

We have 6 Webelos Scouts crossing over to our troop in a couple of weeks. Our SPL has been working with them this month to get them formed into a patrol--picked a leader, make a flag, and still working on the patrol yell. Each one of them will... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 28

Today I: Printed out the monthly theme information for the PLC (March). Yeah, they had to rescheduled the one from 2 weeks ago. Printed out the monthly theme information for the PLC (April). Emailed out the monthly theme information for both months... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 5

It's one small step for man: Awoke at 5am to make it to Camp Red Wing for Wood Badge Staff meeting.  Spent the day developing my Troop Guide skills and getting my assignments.  I'm an Eagle (both an Eagle Scout AND a Wood Badge Eagle) and... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 36

Today I: Emailed someone who was upset with my depiction of homeschoolers in Scouting magazine article ( I was quoted ). Hopefully they see that I'm trying to encourage more contact between the Scouting and homeschooling worlds. Advised a new... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 72

Today I: Helped a Scout with Citizenship in the Nation merit badge (as counselor). Helped a Scout with Camping merit badge (as counselor). Tweeted a link to a Cub Scout friendly booklet of the Academics and Sports requirements. Received both of the... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting...

First go here for the original website and idea: That is an incredible undertaking and a great idea.  So much so that I am going to follow along and join in the fun. So visit him and... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 6

They call me the Working Man....that's what I am.... - updated Troopmaster for Leadership positions to reflect the elections last Tuesday - started building our Troop Leader Training book for TLT Weekend - updated Troop website, new Scout... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Days 53 and 54

Well it only took 52 days to come to a weekend were I have NO Scout business to discuss.  Being a Scoutmaster is a full time job.  I have had something to write about every day for the past 52 days.  That is amazing to think about.  Scouting is... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 41

Today I: Drove 144 miles (per Google maps) to Camp Brady Saunders, near Richmond VA. Attended BSA Area Seven Camp Visitation Team training. Drove 144 miles back home. Sometimes there is something new and exciting to do for Scouting--camp... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 47

Today I: Pushed forward on an online version of Roundtable. I have a few ideas, and I'm soliciting opinions from the online Scouter community. Feel free to jump in the Comments and share your thoughts. Put the last of the Webelos Crossover... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 60

Today I: Paid for my peanut order. They look really good, too. Contacted Bears that missed the pack meeting last night--and getting their Bear rank. Lots of illness going around. Found out if a dad could still get in on the Webelos Crossover... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 39

Thursday night is usually Roundtable and Eagle Boards.  Missed both this month due to other obligations...still did some Scouting though... - updated weekly email because we (both the S4F Chair and I) forgot to put a time in the Scouting For Food... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 74

Today I: Helped a young Boy Scout work out his family logistics so that he can go camping with us in May. Good kid. Got to let a parent know how exemplary their son was on our Cub Scout field trip last night. Worked out (hopefully) missing issues... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 50

Here it is the halfway point! - posted on several boards about Program and about Eagle procedures - discussed an Eagle Project with a Life Scout - attended the PLC Meeting.  It went very well, started Thorns and Roses for the month, talked about... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 45

Today I: Answered a lot of questions for our Venture Crew secretary about reselling candles as a fundraiser. I'm not sure this is a good idea, but the right questions will be asked and answered first. Posted second C&O Canal video on... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 63

Today I: Cleaned up my gear from the campout. Participated in a spirited debate on the value of "boy-led" troops, and to what extent they should be "boy-led". Remembered: last night, helped an injured Scout at the Crossover. What a busy weekend!... From 100 Days of Scouting 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.