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Script or Ceremony for Venturing Ranger Award

Mary Beth sent in this question: We are planning my son's Eagle COH and he also recently earned his Venturing Ranger Award. The Crew Leader has agreed to award this during his COH but I can not find any type of "script" for the Ranger Award for the... From Scouter Mom 5 years ago

Extraordinary Eagle Circumstances

2019 will be a special year, actually an extraordinary year, for youth joining Scouts BSA. With girls joining starting February 1, some folks have been concerned that they won't have time to work their way up to the Eagle rank. Since there are... From Scoutmaster Musings 6 years ago

What Is Scout Spirit?

Scout spirit is mentioned in several of the requirements for Boy Scout ranks. But what is Scout spirit and how does a Boy Scout go about demonstrating it? For the Boy Scout ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle Scout... From Scouter Mom 6 years ago

Merit Badge Counselors List

Tracey sent in this form which can be used to keep track of counselors for merit badges. Space is included for the counselor's name, phone number, and email address. Badges required for the rank of Eagle Scout are highlighted in yellow. Thanks... From Scouter Mom 6 years ago

Eagle Scout Rox

If you ever find yourself wondering if it is worth the effort being a BSA volunteer - this should take away any doubt you have. Listening to this young man might be the best way you have to spend 10 minutes today. This is an interview with someone... From Scoutmaster Musings 6 years ago

Chief Scout on Girls in BSA

Plenty of rumors, speculations, and concerns about the changes we'll have in place starting next year. Rather than fretting and wondering, if you have a half hour to invest, Bryan Wendell reads questions from scouters across the country answered by... From Scoutmaster Musings 6 years ago

Scouts of America

Well, that was fast! Starting next year (2018), girls will be part of the BSA scouting program, not just Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers, and STEM. What, you did not realize they were in all that already? Oh my, it will be a busy year of updates -... From Scoutmaster Musings 7 years ago

Thank you to our sponsors

It takes a lot to produce a National Jamboree. Thousands of volunteer staff members contributed thousands of hours of planning and hard work to ensure that the Scouts in attendance had the times of their lives. But the Jamboree should express its... From Summit Blog 7 years ago

The Need for Speed

When you really need speed, nothing is better. Thanks to medical pioneers such as Texas native and Eagle Scout Dr. Red Duke, injured civilians have the option of medical evacuation via helicopter. To give jamboree Scouts a look at the technology,... From Summit Blog 7 years ago

Summit Center Buzzing with Activity

Many fun activities are located at the Summit Center, a central hub across the lake from Base Camp Charlie. The myriad of activities and tents located near the gorgeous Goodrich Lake vary enough so every person walking around will find something to... From Summit Blog 7 years ago

NESA's Very Inspirational Presenters Will Wow the Jamboree

Attendees at the 2017 National Jamboree will have the opportunity to hear from a variety of inspirational and informative speakers, courtesy of the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) . Wendy Perrone, executive director of the Three Rivers... From Summit Blog 7 years ago

Eagle Scouts remake photo taken 10 years earlier as Cub Scouts

In 2007, six Wolf Scouts from Indiana sat at a cafeteria table and took a photo together. In 2017, those same six Scouts - now all Eagles - gathered at the same table to remake that photo - silly poses and expressions included. The group formed as... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

2017 Order of the Arrow national officers elected

Forrest Gertin, an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor OA member from Rochester, N.Y., will serve as 2017 National Chief of the Order of the Arrow. His election was announced late last week by the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's national honor society... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

NSC Speaker

I've had the good fortune to learn from a lot of good men while volunteering in the Boy Scouts of America. They range from professional artists to scientists, some with a high school diploma and others with too many letters after their name to... From Scoutmaster Musings 7 years ago

Issue 511 â€" December 21, 2016

________________________________________ (I first wrote this story-it's a true one-in 2007. Today, nine years later, we have, in addition to long-time readers, a whole new generation of Scouters, Scouts, and parents reading. So it occurred to me... From Ask Andy 7 years ago

Greatest hits: Our 16 most-read posts from 2016

Late December brings a spate of year-in-review lists. While overused, they are a handy way to recap the year that was. One way to look back on 2016 in Scouting is by seeing which Bryan on Scouting blog posts were most popular. We write the posts,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

These two will represent BSA as 2016-2017 NRA Youth Ambassadors

The Boy Scouts of America has selected two young people to serve as the 2016-2017 NRA/BSA Brownell Youth Ambassadors. In this role, the pair will represent all Boy Scouts and Venturers at a variety of shooting sports industry events. They'll work... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Distinguished Eagle Scout Rex Tillerson nominated as secretary of state

Rex Tillerson, a Distinguished Eagle Scout, Silver Buffalo Award recipient and past national president of the Boy Scouts of America, has been nominated to be the nation's next secretary of state. Tillerson, upon Senate confirmation, would be the... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Before and After: The 10 top Eagle Scout project transformations of 2015-2016

Sometimes, it's like night and day. You look at a spot of land before an Eagle Scout candidate has completed his project there. Then you look at that exact same spot after the project is done. The transformation is so stunning that you're tempted... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

John Glenn, first American to orbit Earth, father of Eagle Scout, dies at 95

John H. Glenn Jr., the first American to orbit the Earth, a Silver Buffalo Award recipient and the father of an Eagle Scout, has died. He was 95. Glenn was never a Scout, but his son, David, is an Eagle Scout. David went on a trek at Philmont Scout... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Is this the best-catered court of honor in Eagle Scout history?

From the start, the Eagle Scout court of honor for Brian O'Rourke III in Cambridge, Mass., was destined to be special. Brian's grandfather, Glen McLaughlin, traveled all the way from California to be there. There was a slideshow that had many in... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Five ways to make an ordinary troop meeting extraordinary

No pressure, but if your troop meetings aren't exciting and extraordinary, you risk losing Scouts to other activities. In other words, one bad meeting could be a young man's last. So how do you add "wow" to your weekly troop meetings? You start by... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

How hands-on leadership lessons help young people soar

Randall Robinson was 10 years old when he saw an ad for Aviation Challenge in Boys' Life magazine. The discovery began a yearlong campaign to convince his parents that he needed to attend this program, offered at Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala. "I... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

At Interamerican forum, Scouts and Scouters imagine world peace

Can't we all just get along? If there were more Scouts in the world, absolutely. That's the irresistible takeaway from the 2016 Interamerican Youth Forum and Interamerican Scout Conference, held last month in Texas. Representatives from the BSA met... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Read this poem aloud at a future Eagle Scout court of honor

It must've been pretty dusty in the room when Tom Lalor read the poem he had written for his stepson Jonathan. Everyone in the whole place got a little misty-eyed. Lalor read his poem, which you can see below, at Troop 251's Eagle Scout court of... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Nominate a Scout or Venturer for the 2017 Outdoor Inspiration Awards

For each of the past two years, the Outdoor Inspiration Awards have recognized a youth who shows leadership and passion for the outdoors. And for each of the past two years, a youth member of the Boy Scouts of America has received that award... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Nominations for national, regional Alumnus of the Year awards due Dec. 31

Why is the symbol for the Alumnus of the Year Award an acorn? Because the individuals who receive this award at the national, council and - beginning next year - the regional level plant seeds for trees under which they may never sit. From now... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Actually, you probably will believe what these five mom bloggers said about Scouting (but read this anyway)

You won't believe what these five moms are saying about Scouting! That was my original, clickbait-approved headline for this post. But when I got to thinking about it, I realized that you probably will believe what these five Scout moms had to say... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Scouts rebuild homes for two women in Houston

Guest blog post by Thora Qaddumi, a Scouting supporter Gloria Adams, 82, made her way past the ladders and buckets of paint in front of her brick home in the Hiram Clarke area of Houston. She looked up to a newly repaired and painted area under the... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Those Knots

Every six months or so it seems that the discussion on knots come up.  Now you all know that I am not talking about the bowline or two half hitches, or even a well placed figure 8.  No I am talking about the knots that we wear on our uniforms,... From The Scoutmaster Minute 7 years ago

The Boy Scout board of review, a guide to getting started

At certain critical points in a Boy Scout's journey through the program, he's asked to stop and think. He looks back on where he's been and looks ahead to where he's going. We call it the board of review. The board of review is a chance for adults... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Issue 505 â€" November 1, 2016

________________________________________ (Here are two letters that follow up on last week's troop "horror story"…) Hi Andy, Thanks for sharing the letter from "Puzzled & Confused" last week. Sometimes, when I think our troop is all messed up,... From Ask Andy 7 years ago

Meet the Eagle Scout who works on the megahit videogame Destiny

The real heroes at Bungie , the videogame company behind sci-fi blockbusters Halo and Destiny , don't wear armor. They're guys like Matthew Ward, Eagle Scout and the company's cinematic director, who wore an untucked button-up, jeans and red... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

Inside the newly updated Conservation Handbook, Earth's instruction manual

While others offer scary predictions about the future of our planet, Scouts and Venturers do something to ensure those dire warnings never come true. In short, Scouts, Venturers and Scout leaders strive to leave this planet better than they found... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 7 years ago

One Good Turn

Sometimes a Daily Good Turn takes some effort, and sometimes an opportunity literally blows up in your face. You've seen the movies where a briefcase full of cash cracks open, or dollars are thrown from a building, or an explosion blasts money... From Scoutmaster Musings 7 years ago

Issue 504 â€" October 25, 2016

________________________________________ (Nope, this isn't a pre-Halloween horror story… It's real.) Hi Andy, Our son joined a troop of his choosing when he crossed over as an Webelos, and my husband (an Eagle Scout, former Assistant Cubmaster,... From Ask Andy 7 years ago

Close the back door

There are two phrases that absolutely drive me up the wall, First is "Aging out" and the other is "Eagleing Out".  No where in Scouting are those two terms found.  These are terms founded by lazy leaders that do not understand the entire Scouting... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

The age-old question: How is your troop organized into patrols?

In some troops, incoming Scouts form a new-Scout patrol. In others, new Scouts are integrated immediately into a patrol with older boys. There's no one-size-fits-all technique, but there are upsides and downsides to each approach. For this Tuesday... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Court of honor recognizes 200 refugee Scouts from 14 countries

It's right there on the Statue of Liberty for all the world to see: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free … " But for Michael Nebeker and his fellow Scouting volunteers in Utah, those are more than just... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

LSU QB Danny Etling, an Eagle Scout, says Scouting made him a better football player and person

At first, Danny Etling didn't understand why his mom kept pushing him to stay in Scouting. Sure, he enjoyed camping and earning merit badges, but the four-star football prospect didn't exactly have an abundance of free time in high school. But... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Toy drive for Eagle Scout project benefits children battling cancer

Zachary Fortuna knows all too well the struggles a young person faces when battling cancer. His little cousin, Chris, was diagnosed at age 4 with advanced-stage neuroblastoma, a cancer of the adrenal glands. Zachary noticed that whenever Chris, now... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Issue 501 â€" October 8, 2016

________________________________________ The rumors of my… Well, you know the rest. Been traveling out of state and out of the country for the past several weeks. Back in the saddle now, so here we go… Dear Andy, Thank you for your commitment to... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Eagle Scout Court of Honor Planning

As a scoutmaster I did not plan any Eagle courts of honor. After all, that was not my job. The Eagle Scout plans his court of honor with the help of his parents. I did give advice and help a bit when asked, but I usually stayed away from the... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 8 years ago

At the Eagle Scout Project Showcase, browse ideas by keyword, location

Looking for Eagle Scout service project ideas? Look no further than  Boys' Life ‘s new Eagle Scout Project Showcase . The site includes more than 101 Eagle Scout projects that visitors can browse by keyword, category and location. And you can... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago


Tonight I had the pleasure of sitting behind a young man as his advocate at his Eagle Scout Board of Review.  I have sat behind many young men as they answered questions and talked to t he board about leadership and their Scouting experience.  Each... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

How to plan a troop or camp reunion to celebrate 25, 50 or 100 years

Troop 1 of Sacramento, Calif., celebrated its 100th anniversary with a powerful, well-made video and a special neckerchief . Troop 1 of Wichita Falls, Texas, reminisced about a century of existence at a reunion banquet attended by Glenn Adams,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago


Y et A nother E agle P roject was completed this past weekend in our community. This one was interesting, useful, and fun to help with. Our elementary school just invested in an outdoor classroom this summer, spending tens of thousands of dollars... From Scoutmaster Musings 8 years ago

At Philmont, Baltimore Scouts meet the man who founded their troop

Sometimes your past comes back to haunt you. Other times it greets you with open arms. It was the latter for Kevin Dowling this summer at Philmont Scout Ranch, where he serves as general manager. In 1971, Dowling started Troop 918 in the Baltimore... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Extreme Makeovers, Round 18: Eagle Scout project before-and-after photos

Note: This is the 18th in an occasional series where I share Eagle Scout project before-and-after photos. See the complete collection here . To fully understand the impact Eagle Scout projects have on communities, you need to see to believe. That's... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Why dancer Derek Hough and his dad, Bruce, are big believers in Scouting

Derek Hough sent his dad a text a few weeks back. "Dad, check out my Instagram." Bruce Hough opened Derek's Instagram page , where the  Dancing With the Stars  star shares photos with nearly 2 million followers. And there was Derek, wearing his Cub... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.