Scouting Blogs and News | Find out more about BSA's newest merit badge, Geocaching!

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The Ultimate List of Scouting Apps

Once upon a time, we used maps printed on paper to find our way. We studied laminated sky charts to identify constellations. We counted seconds after thunder strikes to locate storms. What were we thinking? Today, thanks to... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Best Scouting apps for iPhone and Android, 2014 edition

Empty your backpack and leave everything behind. All you need on your next Scouting outing is your smartphone. OK, so maybe that's an exaggeration. What is true, though, is that for the two-thirds of Americans who own smartphones, it's now possible... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Geocaching Merit Badge Requirements

A few Councils have started releasing the requirements for the much anticipated Geocaching Merit Badge.  This was originally discussed as GPS/GIS Merit Badge.  Keep in mind the Geocaching merit badge and pamphlet are not finalized yet, but these... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Boy Scout Merit Badge: Geocaching

One of the new merit badges announced this year is Geocaching. Geocaching is an outdoor activity that pairs GPS and other navigational techniques to find a cache – anything from an amazing view to a hidden container of treasures.  Often... From Stadri Emblems Scouting Blog 1 decade ago

Official Geocaching merit badge requirements released

You won't need your GPS unit to find the Geocaching merit badge requirements. We've got them right here. The merit badge pamphlet is not yet available, but the Boy Scouts of America wanted to get the official requirements in the hands of... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Geocaching Fun

A few years ago the Boy Scouts of Melrose Troop 68 spent a month introducing themselves to the world of geocaching. One parent came to the meetings and showed the Scouts how it was done, and worked with them to find two geocaches located nearby our... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Electronics and Scouting

There are many out there that feel that there is no place for electronics in Scouting.. no phones, ipods, or gps units.  Well I tend to disagree with those folks, but with this caveat, training, skills, and appropriate time and place. Training.  IF... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Design of Geocaching merit badge pamphlet released

You've got  the requirements . Now, check out the design of the Geocaching merit badge pamphlet and circular badge, released today by the Boy Scouts of America. For Boy Scouts who are geocaching enthusiasts, a merit badge that rewards... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Troop Geocaching: Scout Law Logs

Each of the 12 micro-caches (35mm film canisters) will have one point of the Scout Law and a brief description of that point. Beneath that is a brief explanation of Geocaching and what to do, whether the cache was found … Continue reading... From A Scouter's Journey 1 decade ago

Open for Debate: Are smartphones the modern-day camper's Swiss Army knife?

Maybe. But here's the debate: Should you allow your Scouts to bring their smartphones on camping trips? Sure, Scouters and Scouts can do it all with these powerful gadgets. A smartphone (or tablet) is a watch, an alarm clock, a digital compass, a... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Meet the winners of the nationwide geocaching pinewood derby

Geocaching is the perfect mix of outdoors fun and high-tech gadgets. That explains why it's such a hit with today's Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers. Take the participants of the Race to 2010, for example. The BSA just released the... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

The Geocaching Project

The Boy Scouts of Melrose Troop 68 chose geocaching as the theme for last August. A merit badge counselor came to one of the troop meetings and the monthly outing was based on that topic. The Boy Scouts had fun and seemed to enjoy the thrill of the... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Something new under the sun ('Are You Tougher?' Episode 3 Recap)

Did we finally have a fair fight on our hands? After two weeks of pitting adults who didn't make Eagle against teenagers who did,  Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?   turned up the heat last night. Forget excuses like "I came three merit badges... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

More New Merit Badges

D uring the last seven months we have seen three new merit badges introduced to the Boy Scout merit badge program (Scuba Diving, Geocaching, and Scouting Heritage). We have also seen the return of four merit badges for this year only (Signaling,... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

BSA Announces new GEOCACHING Merit Badge

BSA today, on the Scouting Magazine BLOG announced the release of the final requirements for a new Merit Badge for the sport of GEOCACHING. The merit badge pamphlet is not yet available, but the Boy Scouts of America wanted to get the official... From U.S. Scouting Service Project 1 decade ago

Review of Boys' Life "Let's Go Geocaching"

From the popular Boys' Life Series, " Let's Go Geocaching " is a great introduction for those who are just discovering the quickly growing pastime of geocaching. Geocaching is sometimes described as a modern-day game of "hide and go seek", where... From Trailstop 1 decade ago

Jumping to conclusions ('Are You Tougher?' Episodes 5 and 6 Recap)

All good television shows must come to an end. And so it is with a heavy heart that tonight we waved goodbye to Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout? , the six-episode reality series that matched fresh-faced Eagle Scouts against 30- and 40-something... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Merit Badge Corner â€" Geocaching

OK so this week's Merit Badge isn't available to be earned by scouts yet but the official requirements have been released by BSA. It's the Geocaching Merit Badge. What is Geocaching you ask? Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which a GPS is used... From A Boy Scout's Blog 1 decade ago

How to Host a Cub Scout Geocaching Event

Great resource for planning and hosting a geocaching event for your Cub Scout den or... From Cub Scout Ideas 9 years ago

Troop Geocaching

Our Troop is hosting a Geocaching event the first weekend of September. Our intent is to use this as a recruiting event as well as to spread awareness of Scouting in our community. We've mapped out 12 waypoints (one for … Continue reading... From A Scouter's Journey 1 decade ago

Robotics merit badge launch includes all-new interactive resource center

The age of robots in the Boy Scouts of America has begun. No, the BSA isn't planning to replace Scoutmasters with androids. At least not that I've heard of. I'm referring to today's launch of the Robotics merit badge. It's the latest example of how... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Geocaching Pamphlet and Badge

Today I was glad to see that Scouting Magazine announced that production of the Geocaching merit badge pamphlet (and patch) will begin soon and hopefully we'll see them available by the end of the year. A near final draft of … Continue reading... From A Scouter's Journey 1 decade ago

Geocaching Merit Badge for Boy Scouts

Geocaching is one of the newer merit badges offered to Boy Scouts. It was added in 2010. Geocaching is becoming more and more popular across the country, so this badge gives Scouts a way to learn about it. [ This is a content summary only. Click on... From Scouter Mom 1 decade ago  is a great resource for researching and sharing outing information. EveryTrail is free and useful for a variety of trips – including road trips, sight-seeing tours, sailing trips, hiking, cycling, flying, hang gliding,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

National Get Outdoors Day 2009

A consortium of federal agencies and nonprofit organizations and the recreation industry today announced details for National Get Outdoors Day 2009, an annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun across the nation. On June 13, 2009,... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Endeavour Delivers Payload of Boy Scout Patches

It's no longer breaking news that space shuttle Endeavour returned this morning this morning from a successful 15 day trip, delivering the final U.S. components for the International Space Station and taking its last flight. All in all, Endeavour... From Stadri Emblems Scouting Blog 1 decade ago

Wooden Nickels

I've been looking for some sort of fun memento for the troop. Something inexpensive that could be given away and might be held onto rather than tossed. I finally settled on creating a custom wooden nickel for the troop. My plan is to use these to... From Scoutmaster Musings 1 decade ago

Geo Caching Addicts Be Aware

You have new friends.  In Dece mber, our Venture Crew went to the Atlanta area and I had a great opportunity to introduce them to caching.  The boys who went are all over this new activity.  As always, the first hunt, they wonder if  its like a... From Lone Star Scouter 1 decade ago

The most- and least-popular merit badges of 2012, and what that info tells us

Which merit badges had Scouts rushing to counselors and Moms and Dads rushing to the sewing machine last year? Here's your answer. In January 2012, I presented a list of 2011′s most- and least-popular merit badges based on sales numbers from... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

11 Scouters join prestigious list of Silver Buffalo Award recipients

The Silver Buffalo Award square knot and medal. What do Robert Baden-Powell, Jimmy Stewart, Neil Armstrong, and Bill Gates have in common? All are recipients of the Silver Buffalo Award , Scouting's highest honor for adults. Late last month, 11... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Weekend Patrol Box #20

Wow, 20 is a milestone. Translation : a couple of hundred links have been sent your way to encourage your Scouting experience. Videos, blogs, podcasts, merit badges, manuals, forms, awards, fun activities and more have all been sent your way. If... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Geocachers encouraged to leave the cache, remove the trash

Tomorrow, thousands of Scouts and Scouters across the country will join a nationwide clean-up effort for geocachers. The program, called "Cache In, Trash Out," gathers geocaching enthusiasts together to clean up parks, public places, and... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

The Troop's New Program

The Patrol Leader Council planned it. The committee approved it. The parents and troop members were told about it, and liked it. The Boy Scout Troop 68 program for 2009-2010 is now official. The theme for September is campsite safety, with Totin... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

This Week in Scouting â€" October 15th, 2010

Hi Scouts! The Boy Scouts of America released a brand new merit badge pamphlet and circular badge this week and they should be in Scout shops by December. It's all about Geocaching, and if you haven't tried this new techno-version of "hide and... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

The Best Scouting Apps of 2016

It's 2016. The smartphone doesn't detract from the Scouting experience; it enhances it. Where in the past there was a debate over whether smartphone use is appropriate in Scouting, these days most Scouters see the devices like pocketknives... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

100 Days of Scouting: Days 47 and 48

Left for Camp Cullom on Day 46 (Friday) at 5pm.  We had 83 Scouts in tow with about 25 Adults to drive and some stayed.  We got there with no problems and set up camp.  What a great surprise it was when the 1st Year patrols (3 of them) set up their... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

Racing on their terms, Atlanta-area Cub Scouts take on Jeff Gordon

In a grueling 500-mile race, who would win: a NASCAR champion or a Cub Scout? No contest. Besides, the BSA's Health and Safety team would surely frown on hearing about an unlicensed 11-year-old driving a racecar. But who would win if you brought... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Find your path: Track down a National Trails Day event near you

Last year's patch. This year's design hasn't yet been released. Maybe you'll walk in the footsteps of the Wright Brothers in Ohio, hike from scene to scene in an outdoor production of Snow White in Boulder, or bike through redwoods in California... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Make your life easier with next-gen troop program features

The new design for the Science program feature (above) and the old design. In Scouting, one size doesn't fit all. So suggesting a month-by-month troop planning calendar on a national level, as in the past, just doesn't work. For example, take the... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Preparing To Go Geocaching

Before I can take on the task of getting the troop and crew pumped up about geocaching, I have to master it.   Ok, I have to at least have a better idea of what I am doing.  I have tried to get prepared by glancing through my book on geocaching... From Lone Star Scouter 1 decade ago

100 Days of Scouting: Day 32

What was supposed to be a big day with Roundtable and Wood Badge Beading Ceremony turned into a night at home: - chatted with Scouting For Food Organizer about Saturday - sent out several emails to the new Scouts - updated TroopMaster - explored... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

BSA Patches on Space Shuttle

BSA Press Release Contact: Julie Bulthaus 314-982-8779 314-920-8004 (cell) [email protected] Scouting's Centennial is Out of This World-Literally! Boy Scouts of America's 100th Anniversary Year of Celebration Patches Head to International... From U.S. Scouting Service Project 1 decade ago

Its Been a While and a Lot Has Happened

Wow, where to begin.  Let's start with Eagles.  In the past 6 months (off the top of my head) Cameron, Corey, Tim, Sean, Dillon, Kyle, and Hunter have reached the honorable rank of Eagle Scout.  We're very proud of each and every one of them and... From Lone Star Scouter 1 decade ago

Cache to Eagle

Cache to Eagle is a partnership between Geoscouting, the BSA, and to highlight Eagle projects across the nation. Through the program, participants set up normal public caches at Eagle project sites that also happen to be good cache... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

May-Jun 2010 Scouting Magazine

The May-Jun 2010 issue of Scouting magazine is available at the magazine website. This issue has articles of interest to Cub Scouters on the following subjects: Cub Scout Geocaching Fun. Link New Cub Scout Program (Cub Scouts 2010). Link Belt Loop... From KISMIF - Awesome Cub Scouting 1 decade ago

Building real-life skills through STEM

As we look ahead to Scouting's next century, we know that giving our Scouts solid skills in Science, Technology, and Engineering and Math – or STEM – is what will make the difference in having a qualified workforce where it's needed to help keep... From Chief's Corner 1 decade ago

Geocachers Save Two Women Stranded in Desert

Geocachers Save Two Women Stranded in Desert Extreme Geocaching | Geocachers Care Imagery ©2010 TerraMetrics, Map data ©2010 Europa Technologies, Google – Terms of Use Map Satellite Hybrid Terrain 128Share Geocachers Roy Joseph ( Rojo464 )... From Lone Star Scouter 1 decade ago

Scouting Week In Review â€" October 29th

Hello Scouts! It's finally here – Halloween weekend! Before you head out for the fun, trick-or-treating or visiting your friendly neighborhood haunted house, check out this Halloween Safety Guide and make sure to get a good dose of these... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

ClassB Sponsors BSA Centennial Camporee

Last weekend, the Gulf Ridge and West Central Florida Councils held their Centennial Camporee at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. This was the largest-ever gathering of Scouts in the West Central Florida area. Thousands of Scouts, from... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

My top 10 jamboree memories

After 10 phenomenal days at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree earlier this month, I have just one regret: I couldn't see it all. I never rolled by the skate park or BMX track, didn't take a dip in the Pools, and bailed on whitewater rafting... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.