Scouting Blogs and News | Learn how Scouts are taking advantage of technology like the iPhone and read reviews of iPhone Apps used by Scouting leaders.

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Five easy steps to get the Guide to Safe Scouting on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch

Click to view slideshow. The  recently updated " Guide to Safe Scouting " is a vital tool for Scout leaders. But it doesn't do you much good if it's on the coffee table and you're at a troop meeting or on a campout. So now, thanks to the wonders of... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

The Ultimate List of Scouting Apps

Once upon a time, we used maps printed on paper to find our way. We studied laminated sky charts to identify constellations. We counted seconds after thunder strikes to locate storms. What were we thinking? Today, thanks to... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Scouting and iPhone Apps

So, you are a Boy Scout, or a Boy Scout leader, who has an iPhone or an iPod Touch. Did you know that there are a few apps available just for you in the Apple iTunes App store? Yep, that's right. There are now apps available for the Scouting geek... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Best Scouting apps for iPhone and Android, 2014 edition

Empty your backpack and leave everything behind. All you need on your next Scouting outing is your smartphone. OK, so maybe that's an exaggeration. What is true, though, is that for the two-thirds of Americans who own smartphones, it's now possible... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Merit Badges Will Be Going Mobile With New iPhone App

Beginning in early 2011, Boy Scouts will be able to manage their merit badges with an interactive application for the Apple iPhone. The application which will be available for $1.99 through the iTunes Store , will let Scouts review merit badge... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Top 20 Scout Apps (100 Days of Scouting: Day 30)

I've done a few iPhone app posts before. As times change so do the apps. Here's my current top 20: BSA Handbook Troop Badges (Premier Ed.) Good Turn Flashlight Knot Guide SAS Survival Guide – Lite Pocket Universe: Virtual Sky Astronomy Pocket... From A Scouter's Journey 1 decade ago

The Boy Scout Handbook App

Last month I finally broke down and bought an iPad (the newest version). I have been having fun with it. It looks great and works well. I have to admit, playing Angry Birds on an iPad is a lot more fun then playing on an iPod Touch. I have... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Scouting and iPad Apps

It is a gadget I would like to get, but I do not have one yet. Even my mother would like to have one after playing with the one my sister-in-law owns. I am sure many of you would like one if you do not already own one. What am I talking about? The... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

BSA Handbook app released for iPhone, iPod Touch

You know those iPhone commercials where familiar life situations are made easier with the iPhone? For example: "If you're an avid baseball fan and want to catch a game-winning run, live, there's an app for that." Or: "If you need to find a cab in a... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Scout Tracker iPhone App

Scout Tracker records individual rank advancement in a Scout's iPhone or iPod touch. The current version includes the January 1, 2010 rank requirements. This simple, utilitarian and welcome way of tracking advancement is another demonstration... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Scouting App Thursday â€" Helleniechsin

I'm starting a new feature here on Scouting News .  With the increasing number of Scouting related applications for phones I've decided to feature a new one each week. This week I'm taking a look at an application called Helleniechsin . ... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

There's a Merit Badge App For That!

I t looks like Boy Scouts with iPhones and iPod Touch's will soon be able to keep track of their merit badges on their devices. According to Beginning in early 2011, Boy Scouts will be able to manage their merit badges with an... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Version 1.1 of Boy Scout Handbook iPhone app now available

On Saturday, the BSA released version 1.1 of its Boy Scout Handbook iPhone app. The app, which we gave a favorable review in early September, gets even better with this update. One of only complaints we had with the original version of the app was... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

The New Scout Handbook

I've had my copy of the 12th Edition of the new Scout Handbook for a couple of weeks now and I recently added the Scout Handbook to my Ipod touch. I have also looked over the website . As the way we use and manipulate... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Technology in Scouting: Are We As Connected As We Think?

Does it seem as though every Scout and Scouter has a smartphone? Despite what it looks like in the mall or at some troop meetings, a 2010 study (Project Tomorrow's Speak Up 2010) revealed that only 36 percent of Boy Scout-age students have a... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

Scouting with the iPod Touch - iBird Explorer

For years I always packed a portable CD player on car-camping trips with the Scouts (and on a couple of backpacking trips back in the dark ages when we carried 40-50 pound packs). I  listened to music as I went to sleep and again in the... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Have You Read Scouting's Best Selling Book?

Boy Scout Handbook, 1st edition What is the third best-selling book in U.S. history? Why, it's the Boy Scout Handbook, of course! With over 37 million printed since 1911, the Boy Scout Handbook trails only The Guinness Book of World Records and Dr... From Stadri Emblems Scouting Blog 1 decade ago

Scouting with the iPod Touch - The Backpacker Checklist

The Backpacker Checklist application allows you to build a virtual inventory of all your camping gear and construct trip-specific lists to aid your preparations for backpacking or any other sort of camping trip. Aimed at backpackers but not limited... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Randall Stephenson, AT&T CEO and BSA president: 'It's a new day in Scouting'

Randall Stephenson has a quote on his office wall from Eric Shinseki, the former secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. It reads: "If you don't like change, you are going to like irrelevance even less." Stephenson, the AT&T CEO who... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Troop 118 from Glendale, California, didn't visit just one national park for their big summer...

Troop 118 from Glendale, California, didn't visit just one national park for their big summer trip last year. When Troop 118 traveled, they went big-time, visiting four national parks on one epic outing. First, the guys drove 530 miles to Bryce... From Inside Boys' Life 9 years ago

Credit cards welcome: How to take plastic for popcorn

Cash or check only? Not anymore. Thanks to some handy new tech tools, it's possible to accept credit cards at your unit's next popcorn sale, carwash, or other money-earning project. That eliminates a big reason customers give when choosing not to... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Here are some of the best pinewood derby cars of 2016 sent in by Boys' Life readers. ...

Here are some of the best pinewood derby cars of 2016 sent in by Boys' Life readers. MORE PINEWOOD DERBY FUN Complete pinewood derby guide How to use science to make a fast pinewood derby car 100 amazing pinewood derby cars of 2014 Click here to... From Inside Boys' Life 8 years ago

Technology vs Wilderness

When I volunteered to become an assistant scoutmaster for my local troop way back in 1980, the main competition we had for boy's time was the school sport programs. Some boys were just too busy playing football, basketball, or baseball to join the... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Electronics and Scouting

There are many out there that feel that there is no place for electronics in Scouting.. no phones, ipods, or gps units.  Well I tend to disagree with those folks, but with this caveat, training, skills, and appropriate time and place. Training.  IF... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

ShelterBox Mobile App

Not too long ago I came across a service (Conduit Mobile) that let's you build mobile applications for iPhone, Android, Blackberry… For free. The design interface isn't the most intuitive (being a content Mac convert) but after a few... From A Scouter's Journey 1 decade ago

10 memorable ways to pump up your Scoutmaster's or Cubmaster's Minute

You've got 60 seconds; make them count. After a pack or troop meeting filled with learning, fun, and fellowship comes the grand finale: the Scoutmaster's or Cubmaster's Minute. Consider it a closing argument to your Scouts - one last chance to... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

There's a Pokémon GO PokéStop outside BSA headquarters - where else have you found one?

By now you've heard about Pokémon GO - the augmented-reality app for iPhone and Android that's encouraging people young and old to get outside and explore. Here are the basics: You download the app and head outside. Then you walk around an area... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Scoutmaster's Bookshelf

Here's some of the books that have helped me as a Scout leader and outdoorsman. This collection has helped me learn practical skills, history, outdoor lore, the Scouting program and provided inspiration for many years. Wildwoods Wisdom Ellsworth... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Scouting with the iPod Touch - Pocket Universe & Daylight

Pocket Universe is the best (and least expensive) of several astronomy applications I have purchased. Pocket Universe has a simple to use yet a rich set of features. The planetarium-like display features a clear horizon, something other... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Open for Debate: Are smartphones the modern-day camper's Swiss Army knife?

Maybe. But here's the debate: Should you allow your Scouts to bring their smartphones on camping trips? Sure, Scouters and Scouts can do it all with these powerful gadgets. A smartphone (or tablet) is a watch, an alarm clock, a digital compass, a... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

12 steps to Shaving Weight

Backpacker magazine published a good article called "Ultralight Makeover" 12 steps for cutting weight. I found this article interesting and all in all agree with it.  Now, I should say that I am not considered a UL guy.  I do, as stated ad nauseum,... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Scout App Helleniechsin Now on Android

Scouts and Order of the Arrow members who want to speak the language of the Lenni Lenape (Delaware Indian) language but don't have an iPhone can now enjoy  Helleniechsin  on an Android based device. Dan with  has spent countless hours... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Scouting and epub Books

Let's see. The Kindle, the iPod, the iPad, and the Nook are just a few of the ebook readers that are currently available. How about we use these gadgets to visit a fictional history of Boy Scouting. Say, like 80 plus years ago. Did you know that in... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Jamboree App Now Available for iPhones and Android Devices

(Story adapted from Scouting magazine's "Bryan on Scouting" blog ) Version 1.0 of the Jamboree Summit App is now available on Apple and Android devices. The Android app clocks in at just over 10 MB and costs 99 cents in the Google Play store . The... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

Scouting with the iPod Touch - U.S. Historical Documents

U.S. Historical Documents As a counselor for Citizenship in the Nation merit badge having the Constitution and Declaration of independence close at hand is helpful. (Note that there are free applications for both but they lack the note making and... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Make history as a 2013 jamboree staff member

Let's face it. You won't be the first on Mars, the first to summit a mountain, or probably even the first in line for the next new iPhone. But serving on the inaugural jamboree staff at the Summit? Yeah, there's still time for that history-making... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Nature Study for Scout Leaders â€" Astronomy

Can  you  locate the north star? What three stars make up the summer triangle? Have you ever seen a meteor shower? Any active Scout Troop will spend many nights under clear skies away from city lights – ideal conditions for observing the... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Kindle, iPad, and Scouting

There has been a lot written about the Kindle vs. the iPad debate. My question is this, is either one useful for the wonderful world of Scouting? I do not own either one, but I do see possible uses for both gadgets. Amazon's Kindle, an e-book... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Wood Badge

Today was the first day of Wood Badge course. I was very happy to get a great group. They are enthusiastic and energetic. My 1st presentation went off well and I was very relived. Day 2 starts in 6 hours so off to bed. More when I return Its only... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

Personalize Your Phone with a Coveroo

Coveroo has become an official Boy Scouts of America licensee. They offer consumers the ability to personalize their phones and other devices with a licenesed BSA logo, or one of over 1,000 of their other designs, or a custom design. What is a... From Scouting News 1 decade ago  is a great resource for researching and sharing outing information. EveryTrail is free and useful for a variety of trips – including road trips, sight-seeing tours, sailing trips, hiking, cycling, flying, hang gliding,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

'Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?' now available on iTunes

Perhaps your pack or troop meets Monday nights. Or maybe your family doesn't have the National Geographic Channel. Whatever your excuse for missing  Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout? -  the six-episode reality series that matched Eagle Scouts... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

How do you use Electronics on Scouting Outings?

There is an on going debate about electronics used in Scouting. While "Traditional" Scouters shun the new technologies and do not embrace what is the future, others seems to grab ahold and run with the new ways to "DO" Scouting. No matter which... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

How Cubcast can make you a better leader on your drive to work

In the July 2012 episode, you'll learn how to teach Cub Scouts to be honest. Listen up: A simple download of the  Boy Scouts of America's Cubcast , an audio podcast featuring how-to topics for Cub Scout leaders and parents, can improve your pack or... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

High Tech Good Turn

Have you done your Good Turn today? Let me introduce you to a high tech way of doing a very old and traditional Scouting practice. Doing a Good turn has always been a part of Scouting, in fact is was a Good turn that brought Scouting to America. We... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Be a Better Leader

Be a Better Leader : From our friends down the hall with the Bryan on Scouting blog: Listen up: A simple download of the  Boy Scouts of America's Cubcast , an audio podcast featuring how-to topics for Cub Scout leaders and parents, can improve your... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Weekend Patrol Box #20

Wow, 20 is a milestone. Translation : a couple of hundred links have been sent your way to encourage your Scouting experience. Videos, blogs, podcasts, merit badges, manuals, forms, awards, fun activities and more have all been sent your way. If... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Best Practices: Developing High-Performing Units

In 2009, the BSA introduced a new methodology that focused on the retention of units. This was greatly needed to address the growing national concern of only one out of every three new units organized surviving into their second year. The research... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

ULA Ohm 2.0 Review

This year I got a new pack.  I traded in my Granite Gear Nimbus Trace for a lighter pack in an effort to reduce pack weight.  I read somewhere that it is a good idea when reducing base weight to start at the base.. the pack. So I did my homework... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Time running out to earn Computers MB as Digital Technology MB launch nears

Jonathan Ive, who designed the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad, was born the same year the BSA introduced Computers merit badge. That should give you some idea just how old Computers merit badge is and just how much has changed in the world of... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.