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How to keep your troop out of the 'death spiral'

What separates a successful Boy Scout troop from a foundering one? The answer hasn't changed in a century. It's the patrol method, and it's been around since at least 1920 when Scouting founder Lord Baden-Powell explained it in his Aids to... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Scouts BSA Trivia Quiz

How well do you know the basics? Answer some questions about the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, Motto, the meaning of the Scout Badge and more. And then find out if your answers are correct. Use this to help with the requirements for the Scouting... From Scouter Mom 5 years ago

How Scouting was Saved in '79

There is a period in the history of the Boy Scouts of America that not many people like to talk about. Some of you may have heard the story before; some of you may have lived through it. I think it is vitally important for all Scouters to know... From Scouting Rediscovered 1 decade ago

Working the Patrol Method

It's about time! Working the Patrol Method a Scout leader's guide to youth leaderhip training is the best work on the patrol method since 'Green Bar' Bill Hillcourt's Handbook for Patrol Leaders last published in 1965 or Baden... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Five Patrol Method Fundamentals

Patrols are much more than a convenient way to divide a large group of Scouts into smaller, more manageable groups. Patrols are the single unique feature of Scouting and  the indispensable method for achieving the aims of Scouting. Most of became... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Scoutmaster's Bookshelf

Here's some of the books that have helped me as a Scout leader and outdoorsman. This collection has helped me learn practical skills, history, outdoor lore, the Scouting program and provided inspiration for many years. Wildwoods Wisdom Ellsworth... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Back to the Future… the Patrol Method

Ok.. So to get back to the Future.. we need to focus on those basics that I referred to in the last post.  I am going to, in the next few post expand on what I think we need to focus on.  This is the world according to Jerry… and Baden... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Working the Patrol Method

Whether you're a new Scoutmaster or not, Working the Patrol Method – A Scout Leader's Guide To Youth Leadership Training is a MUST-READ for both alike!  It's one of those "tools" you wish every Scoutmaster got when he accepted his role in a... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

The Patrol Method in Practice â€" Making It Happen

The first post in this series about the patrol method paints a picture of the patrol as the central unit of Scouting, next we discussed the adult role  followed by discussing the usual objections that arise when we put the patrol method into... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Patrol Method in Practice â€" The Adult Role

Imagine a bus tour of some important city where, seated in the air-conditioned comfort of a motor coach, we listen to the guide explain each landmark in detail so we won't miss anything. The guide sticks to the script, we sit behind the tinted... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Why Wood Badge?

For those of you that have been to Wood Badge you understand the great training, the lasting friendships, and the spirit of Scouting that comes in every Wood Badge course.  You get idea that every Scout deserves a trained leader and that in Wood... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Backpack cooking- Patrol Method

Since word is out that our Troop is doing a 10 day backpacking trip this summer as our summer camp, there has been some concern as to how we are going to incorporate all of the "Scouting Methods" that normally come with the summer camp experience... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Troubleshooting the Patrol Method

This is a self assessment tool to help gauge how well a troop applies the patrol method.  It may be a good idea to have several adults and youth troop members complete the assessment and Read More &#8594... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago


LEADERSHIP...there is nothing new under the sun to read about leadership, especially for Scouters.  If you've read The Art of War, BPs Aids To Scoutmastership, anything by Reagan, Ike or Green Bar Bill then you know all there is to know about... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

Patrol Method in Practice â€" The Character School

The patrol system is not one method in which Scouting for boys can be carried on. It is the  only method . It is not the slightest use to preach the Scout Law or to give it out as orders to a crowd of boys: each mind requires its special exposition... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

What kind of Scoutmaster are you?

In the last post, we got a pretty good feel for the general attitude toward the "Merit Badge Mill" for a lack of a better term.  It seems that there is not a lot of support for this style of merit badge earning. Now, I did receive some emails that... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Top 10 things to get a brand new troop up and running

Over the weekend, I had the privilege of teaching Basic Training to a group of Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters from my District…15 of them with experience that ranged from being brand spanking new in a troop just being formed to a few... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Scouting for all?

Allow me to play devils advocate here for a minute.  There has been quite a bit of discussion lately via email and in Scouting circles in which I find myself regarding Scouts in our programs.  One argument is that Scouting is for every young man,... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Patrol Method in Practice â€" Objections

Our first post in this series establishes the patrol method as the  character school  of Scouting, that real self-government makes the Scout Oath and law more relevant than a bunch of concepts preached by adults. That Scouts find meaning in the... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

The Ideal Boy run Troop

William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt described his ideal boy run as follows: "Troop No. 3 has its share of Merit Badge Scouts and streamers testifying to its proficiency at Council Rallies and Camporees. Yet, its Scoutmaster is never much in... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago


Like most units, our Troop has a new Scout Patrol that has started their Scouting adventure in earnest. They crossed over in February, like most Webelos and went on their first camp out with the Troop that following week.  The Troop went to Camp... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Winter Camping Leadership Tool box

***  EDIT NOTE:  This post was scheduled for today (12-14-12).  I contemplated "pulling it" in light of the tragic events that have shaken us in Connecticut.  Our hearts go out to those families.  The reason I did not "pull" this post is simply... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Scouting is Simple

As I have been digging into my copy of Aids to Scoutmastership the last couple days, I have become more and more a fan of both Scoutmastership and of Baden-Powell. There is a chapter in the book called "Scouting is Simple"… here it is: To an... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Great Books for Scouters

These great books for Scouters have taught me practical skills, history, outdoor lore, and inspiration that has enabled me to become a better Scout leader. Outdoor Adventure Manual Published by Scouts UK with a forward by Bear Grylls  The Outdoor... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Methods- Patrols

The Patrol is, like the ideals, the foundation of the Troop.  The Patrol is where the Scout learns citizenship, it is where they practice democracy, leadership,  and teamwork.  It is where they find companionship, life long friendships, and a place... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Ten Essentials of Scoutmastership

The Ten Essentials of Scoutmastership penned by William ‘Green Bar'  Hillcourt were part of the Scoutmaster's Handbook for many years. 1. A belief in boys that will make you want to invest yourself and your time on their behalf. As Plato said... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Issue 435 â€" March 3, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, While at the Philmont Training Center for a week-long session on advancement a few years ago-which overall was very good-we spent part of one day talking about getting a new Scout to First Class... From Ask Andy 1 decade ago

How well does your troop apply the eight methods of Scouting?

This post introduces a new contributor to; Walter Underwood.  You can learn more about Walter by reading his profile . I really like the idea of a regular, brief and focused discussion amongst the adult leadership to air any... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A Troop Revolution

Vilhelm Hans Bjerregaard Jensen was a Danish Scout who became a Scoutmaster during the early years of the Scouting Movement . He decided to see something of Scouting around the world, worked his way through Europe and England, arrived in the United... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Scouting… Cool?

First off.. if you are a Scout or Scouter read this post with caution.  You may not agree with some of what I am going to say.  Know that I love the Boy Scouts of America.  I am always trying to tell our story in the best light of Scouting.  I... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

New Scout Rank Requirements

Here's my comments on the new Scout Rank requirements that take effect on January 1, 2016. Exactly how the new requirements are phased in is explained in this PDF document –  Notes on Transitioning to the New Requirements . I found the new... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Issue 470 â€" January 12, 2016

________________________________________ Hi Andy, I recently transferred councils and connected with a new troop. This troop's been around for over 50 years but right now is under brand-new adult leadership. They're trying their best to elevate the... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Modeling Expected Behavior

I often preach about how I expect more out of our young men, that nothing in life will be easy, and that there are no participation ribbons just for showing up in life.  When it comes to leadership, the Scouts in our Troop hear it over and over... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

The part-time patrol method

As a unit commissioner and Friends of Scouting presenter, I have the opportunity to visit many troops and packs and get insight into how they operate. We commissioners also talk among ourselves about problems and issues in our units. One of the... From Bobwhite's Blather 9 years ago

Three Questions

Listener Allan Green (no relation) asks these three questions: 1. Youth leaders elected, but reluctant to lead.  I have had 2 successive SPL's who would not prepare, would not work, canceled most TLC meetings, and who did not treat their... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Issue 504 â€" October 25, 2016

________________________________________ (Nope, this isn't a pre-Halloween horror story… It's real.) Hi Andy, Our son joined a troop of his choosing when he crossed over as an Webelos, and my husband (an Eagle Scout, former Assistant Cubmaster,... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

So you just got called to be the new Scoutmaster…now what?!

On this day, my 4 th anniversary of serving as a Scoutmaster , I got to thinking about what I might have done differently.  What do I know now that I didn't know then?  …and what would I change if I had the chance to do it all over again? ... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

The Life of a Serendipitist

I think it is important to have "Hero's" in life.  People that we look up to or try to learn from chapters of their lives.  William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt is one of my hero's.  His love for the Scouting program drove him and in the end elevated... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago


The other night we had a spirited conversation with our Troop committee about, among other things, youth leadership and keeping older Scouts engaged. One of the main ingredients of the Patrol method and effective youth leadership at the Troop level... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

New Star Rank Requirements

This is is fifth in a series of posts abut the new rank requirements that take effect on January 1, 2016. Scout  | Tenderfoot | Second Class | First Class | Star | Life | Eagle (these links will be active as each installment is published ) Exactly... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Troop Leadership Corps

From 1972 to 1989 the Boy Scouts of America had a program called the Troop Leadership Corps.  This program was designed for Scouts 14-16 to serve their Troop in leadership roles.  They were not a member of a Patrol within the Troop, but held direct... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Review Part 2: A Scout Leader's Guide to Youth Leadership

Today I continue reviewing a book called A Scout Leader's Guide to Youth Leadership Training: Working the Patrol Method. Get a copy and join in the... From Scouter Mom 1 decade ago

Scouting's One Essential Feature -

Scouting's One Essential Feature - At our council camporee in December I walked around the entire camp and saw only two troops that had identifiable patrols. Most troops were set up as one unit, with all the tents lined up and no... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Aims and Methods of Scouting, Then and Now

The Boy Scouts of America's website states this about the the Aims of Scouting: The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America - incorporated on Feb. 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in 1916 - is to provide an educational program for boys and young... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago


In the new Guide to Safe Scouting there has been a rule change on allowing Patrols to camp alone.. without Adult supervision.  This was always a great part of my Scouting experience when I was a youth and it is a bit heart breaking to see that the... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Traditional Scouting 101 â€" Introduction to the Patrol System

"What in the world is this ‘Patrol System'?" When I first seriously started studying Scouting and its history, I kept running across references to something called the "Patrol Method" or "Patrol System". They weren't just simply referring to... From Scouting Rediscovered 9 years ago

Issue 445 â€" June 2, 2015

________________________________________ Hi Folks! I'll be traveling for the next 13 days, so we'll have to skip next week's column. I'll be back online the week of June 15th, so keep those letters comin' in! Happy Scouting! (Just the other day,... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Scouting's One Essential Feature

At our council camporee in December I walked around the entire camp and saw only two troops that had identifiable patrols. Most troops were set up as one unit, with all the tents lined up and no discernible internal division into patrols. Because... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Why Scout Camp is Important Part 2

So we have now covered the four major reasons that parents use when they don't want their son to go to Scout Camp. Again the most important reasons why parents don't send their Scout to camp is because of: Its too expensive. Its too much like... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Scoutmaster Podcast 276 â€" Patrol Method

This encore presentation features an interview with the authors of  Working the Patrol Method,   a Scout leader's guide to youth leadership training. I think this is   the best work on the patrol method since 'Green Bar' Bill Hillcourt's Handbook... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.