Scouting Blogs and News | Get ideas for successful fundraising by reading about other Scout leaders experience with Trail's End Popcorn.

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Michigan Cub Scout breaks regional record for popcorn sales

Mason Schlafer, a 10-year-old Cub Scout in Pack 4055 of the Michigan Crossroads Council, sold a lot of popcorn this year. So much, the council and its popcorn supplier say, that Mason broke a Central Region record. To date, the Cub Scout has... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Credit cards welcome: How to take plastic for popcorn

Cash or check only? Not anymore. Thanks to some handy new tech tools, it's possible to accept credit cards at your unit's next popcorn sale, carwash, or other money-earning project. That eliminates a big reason customers give when choosing not to... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Popcorn Time!

As many people know it is popcorn season in the scouting world (at least in the American part of the scouting world anyways).  This year's popcorn season brings about a couple of changes to Trails End's product line-up; for one they have... From A Boy Scout's Blog 1 decade ago

2010 Top Online Trail's End Popcorn Sellers

Trail's End released its list of top online popcorn sellers for 2010.  The top seller was Nicholas O. from Troop 64 in Northeast Illinois Council and sold $8,382!  Check out the top ten online sellers and units below. Top 2010 Online Sellers -... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Ten tips for making your Scout popcorn sales really pop

Question: What do movies and Scouting have in common? Answer: They both can be made better by popcorn.  It's nearly fall, and that means it's time for Scouts to sell popcorn to help fund all the fun activities planned for the coming... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

What can this Boy Scout marketing prodigy teach you about popcorn sales?

Donovan Fisher isn't your typical door-to-door salesman. "The Popcorn Scout," as he's now known, is a 12-year-old marketing prodigy who in 2011 sold $9,208 in Trail's End popcorn and chocolate pretzels, ranking 14th among all Boy Scouts in the U.S... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Spring Popcorn Sale Kicked Off

Councils across the Country kicked off their spring popcorn sales on March 15th. In a push to sell more popcorn online, Trails End introduced three new products that are available exclusively online. Available online are: -Chili Lime Almonds... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Support Scouting and American troops with popcorn sales

Popcorn sales help fund Scouting activities, but this salty treat can also bring cheer to service men and women overseas. Popcorn buyers can do both-support the troops  and  Scouting-by participating in a Trail's End military donation. This service... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Scout Night with the Utah Grizzlies

Growing up in Chicago and being a hockey player myself, I love watching the Blackhawks and have lots of memories going to games in the old Chicago Stadium. Now that I live in Utah, the closest professional hockey I can get (without traveling to... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Trails's End Announces Change in Scout Online Orders Commission

This announcement only effects those orders that individual Scouts get online. This does not effect the Spring or Fall popcorn sale by Units. Beginning December 26, 2009, the first day of Trail's End's 2010 fiscal year, the commission from Trail's... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Movie Review: The Last Eagle Scout

One of Boy Scout Troop 68′s Eagle Scouts stopped by Sunday afternoon to watch a new movie I had recently received in the mail. Both of us had been waiting for " The Last Eagle Scout " to be released since we had read about it on Facebook a... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Trail's End Popcorn Expands Voluntary Recall

As a result of the FDA expanding the Peanut Corporation of America's (PCA) Salmonella related recall to include all peanut ingredient products produced in PCA's Plainview, Texas facility since March 2005, Weaver Popcorn Company, Inc. has issued a... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Soda Can Popcorn

This looks like fun! I don't know why you'd have to sand the outside though.  ... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Weekend Patrol Box #20

Wow, 20 is a milestone. Translation : a couple of hundred links have been sent your way to encourage your Scouting experience. Videos, blogs, podcasts, merit badges, manuals, forms, awards, fun activities and more have all been sent your way. If... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Regional Stage Schedule for Wednesday, July 28

Here is the regional stage schedule for Wednesday, July 28. The schedule is subject to change. For the latest information, sign up for updates at . FORSCOM, Army Ground Forces Band: The Army Ground Forces Band... From Leader's Guide to the 2010 Jamboree 1 decade ago

Popcorn-selling secrets heat up August Cubcast

When someone down the hall makes popcorn, the enticing aroma makes me drop everything and find the source. If only selling Scout popcorn were as easy, right? Turns out it is. That's thanks to the August 2012 edition of Cubcast, the excellent audio... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Popcorn Tip--Week #9: Is it really over?

Well, nothing left to sell. You are just waiting for the final delivery so you can pass out your popcorn and collect the money to turn in on time. A few folks might want to reorder, or add to their order. You have a couple of options: 1) Contact... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

How a Camp Masters fundraiser is about more than selling popcorn

When a Scout sells a box or tin of Camp Masters popcorn, he's selling more than just a tasty treat. He's selling the life-changing Scouting program made possible by fundraisers like the one Camp Masters helps councils and units run each year. I sat... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Voluntary Recall of 9.5 oz. Trail's End® Caramel Corn with Peanuts

As a result of the expansion of Peanut Corporation of America's (PCA) Salmonella related recall to include all peanut ingredient products produced in their Blakely, Georgia facility since January 1, 2007, Weaver Popcorn Company has issued a... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Trail's End Chocolate Lovers Tin Recall

On March 13, 2009, Weaver Popcorn Company issued another precautionary voluntary recall due to the salmonella outbreak at the Peanut Corporation of America facility in Blakely, Georgia. This recall includes 12 oz. bags of Chocolatey Peanut Clusters... From KISMIF - Awesome Cub Scouting 1 decade ago

Searching for Popcorn

Whre does all that popcorn come from that scouts sell? Well, don't try finding it at any of these places - you'll most likely get lost in your efforts. There are corn mazes across the country this month and many of them have been designed with Boy... From Scoutmaster Musings 1 decade ago

February 2009 Scouting News Recap

This is a recap of February 2009 on Scouting News… Top Stories This Month This list is based on traffic as reported by Google Analytics. I suppose it is not a true image of the "top stories" since it gives preference to stories that have been... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Trails End Carmel Corn Recall

Yesterday, Weaver Popcorn Company issued a precautionary voluntary recall for some of its Trail's End 9.5 oz. Carmel Corn with Nuts due to the salmonella outbreak at Peanut Corporation of America's facility in Blakely, Georgia. The full press... From KISMIF - Awesome Cub Scouting 1 decade ago

Baltimore Area Council Marketing Scouting to the Community

This fall the Baltimore Area Council is receiving some great media coverage through several generous local media outlets who are underwriting publicity efforts. Print Ads from our membership drive campaign "Words to Live By" and " BeAScout " will... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Girl Scout Cookies

My wife is fully engrossed in that American tradition called Girl Scout Cookies. I haven't seen her most of the week. Now that is partly because I haven't been home much, but neither has she. She is at booth sales and delivering cookies. If your... From Chairman's Chat - A Pack Committee Blog 1 decade ago

Concerned Eagle Scout

I received an email from a "Concerned Eagle Scout" Today. Mr. "Concerned Eagle Scout" has concerns about justifying FOS dollars. And I can appreciate "Concerned Eagle Scouts"concerns. His biggest issue seems to be the cost of Scouting. Well.. let... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Scout Sells $25,000 Worth Of Popcorn; Gets Special Recognition

We don't know what Trevor Rau's secret is when it comes to selling popcorn, but we're certainly impressed by his results. Over the last 12 years, the South Dakota Eagle Scout has sold about $25,000 worth of popcorn. The funds have helped pay for... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Selling Cub Scout Popcorn With Video

Sell Cub Scout popcorn to your friends and relatives who live far away by making a video of your Cub Scout asking for the sale! The post Selling Cub Scout Popcorn With Video appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... From Cub Scout Ideas 9 years ago

Cub Scout Popcorn Thank You Notes

Whenever my Webelos sells Cub Scout popcorn, he writes thank you notes. We tape them to the product to make it easier to deliver. Find out how! The post Cub Scout Popcorn Thank You Notes appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... From Cub Scout Ideas 9 years ago

Popcorn Tip--Week #8: Wrap it up!

The popcorn season is almost over. You still have a few jobs left to do though. Check with the couple of neighbors that haven’t seemed to be home yet. Make sure family orders are all written down. Write out a few “thank you” notes to drop off when... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Ever Notice?

Did you ever notice how much a BSA troop flag looks like a Campbell's soup label? Why's that? Coincidence or conspiracy? Hmmmm, I wonder. Another thing that's interesting. Look closely at those little gold stars around the bottom of the soup can... From Scoutmaster Musings 1 decade ago

Can't or Won't?

It's that time of the year again, when we talk about Troop budgets, recharter, and PLC meetings to execute another great year of Scouting. The other night at our Troop's committee meeting we looked deep into our budget to see where we could save... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

2008 Boy Scout Sale a Popping Success

The results are in from the Boy Scouts' annual popcorn sale, and once again the Scouts have outdone themselves, taking to their neighborhoods, local businesses and even the internet to sell Trail's End popcorn. Congratulations to this year's "Tops... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Top 5 Reasons to Sell Cub Scout Popcorn

Selling Cub Scout popcorn gives your son opportunities to practice important life skills. Read about them in this article. The post Top 5 Reasons to Sell Cub Scout Popcorn appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... From Cub Scout Ideas 9 years ago

Popcorn Fun for Cub Scout Meetings

Have you ever thought about using popcorn as a den or pack meeting theme? Check out these ideas! The post Popcorn Fun for Cub Scout Meetings appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... From Cub Scout Ideas 1 decade ago

Protecting Your Cub Program

Hello fellow Scouters, I was talking with another Scouter recently about how, when a Cub Scout Pack gets press coverage, it never seems to be about the good that pack did. You don't hear about the service projects. You don't hear about the Blue and... From The Trainer's Corner Blog 1 decade ago


It is that time within most every Council starts to sell Popcorn.  Cascade Pacific Council is no different.  This was Elliot when he was a Wolf in Pack 221. There are many ways to sell Popcorn, and this site will … Continue reading â ’... From Scouter Adam 9 years ago

Popcorn Tip--Week #5: Big Box Stores

Wal-Mart, Target, Books-a-Million, Lowes are all kinds of "big box" stores. They are often supporters of Scouting. While they won't let you walk around inside selling, they will usually let you set up a table outside so you can sell popcorn. Your... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Whats the Point: A Follow-up to An Open Letter to the Great Alaska Council

Recently a Scouter posted a comment on "An Open Letter to the Great Alaska Council" post making me realize that I was extremely vague and that I didn't directly identify the issue. Due to my failure to identify the issue, I probably caused more... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Scouting… Cool?

First off.. if you are a Scout or Scouter read this post with caution.  You may not agree with some of what I am going to say.  Know that I love the Boy Scouts of America.  I am always trying to tell our story in the best light of Scouting.  I... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

It Is Popcorn Season

It is the season for Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts across central Minnesota to be out knocking on doors to sell popcorn! I already have my 30 pack case of microwave popcorn ordered. How about you? Or do you need a Boy Scout to stop by your house so... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Time to dust off the planning hat.

Ok  is everyone up on their Chairman duties  for this time of year.  You should have recharter done or wrapping up.  You should have moved on to planning the summer.  We want to wrap this up  soon. You should have the summer shcedule ready for the... From Chairman's Chat - A Pack Committee Blog 1 decade ago

Coyotes and Purple Gorillas

Two new boys joined us for their first Boy Scout camping trip at Camp Watchamagumee over the weekend of May 6-8, 2011. They had a great time on the outing but we did have an interesting and unexpected experience Friday night. The four boys... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Generating Individual Scout Order Keys for

This is a great way to encourage incremental sales throughout the year, or to extend your popcorn sales beyond your local area. Just follow the step below, and you will generate the "order key" your Scouts need to get credit for their work. This... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Cub Scout Popcorn Sale 2015

Our Cub Scout Popcorn Sale was wildly successful this year! Read about the sale and the factors that we believe made it great. The post Cub Scout Popcorn Sale 2015 appeared first on Cub Scout Ideas ... From Cub Scout Ideas 9 years ago

Protect your popcorn sales â€" and your customers

It's that time of year again – popcorn season! And soon, our Scouts will be knocking on doors, standing on street corners and in front of grocery stores offering the tasty treats of popcorn and other goodies as a thank-you gift to our friends... From Bobwhite's Blather 8 years ago

More insight into the National Council's role in unit fundraising

Mark Moshier and the fundraising experts at the Boy Scouts of America hear you. Last week's explanation of why a unit's fundraiser was determined to be against BSA rules left some of you with even more questions about fundraising and the National... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Popcorn Tip--Week #6: Sign-up sheets at work

Bringing a sign-up sheet to work is an easy idea. Older Scouts may be able to bring one to their own jobs. Almost every Scout can ask a parent to bring one in, too. Before you do though, parents should check with the workplace to make sure it is OK... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago

Weekend Patrol Box #31

This Weekend Patrol Box begins with the weather. We have had a lot of it lately. Everything from having our Klondike camporee snowed out (and re-scheduled for early April) to being run out of the C&O on a backpacking trip. Definitely make the... From ScoutSigns 1 decade ago


In one of the most popular Cubcasts of the year, the secret to selling lots of popcorn is revealed! Join us as we talk with Doug Dent, vice president of Marketing with Trails End. He is also an assistant den leader in the Sagamore Council in Kokomo,... From BSA CubCast Podcast 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.