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For the first time ever, take Wood Badge in Spanish

Todos los Scouts se merece un líder entrenado. In other words, "Every Scout deserves a trained leader." The statement is true in any language, and now, Scout leaders who are more comfortable speaking Spanish can take the highest level of adult... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

...flag, totem, and Wood Badge

Sept. 2010 Time to carve: 3 hours Finishing: 1.5 hours Now if you follow my inconstant posts, you might have wondered where have I been? Well the answer is that I've been busy with Wood Badge. In fact I write this on the eve before my second... From Channeling Whittlin Jim 1 decade ago

Wood Badge Christmas

Yes, I know it is not even Halloween yet, but Christmas commercials are already on television and the stores have already begun decorating for the season, so I thought now would be a great time to tell those of you who have completed their Wood... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Wood Badge methods inspire executive training program in Rwanda

We think of Wood Badge as a way to deepen our impact within our immediate circles: at home, in Scouting, at work. But Kevin Etter, whose Wood Badge critter is a Bear, has unlocked a way to bring Wood Badge principles beyond Scouting and, indeed,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Wood Badge

Today was the first day of Wood Badge course. I was very happy to get a great group. They are enthusiastic and energetic. My 1st presentation went off well and I was very relived. Day 2 starts in 6 hours so off to bed. More when I return Its only... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

Wood Badge thoughts

Yesterday I attended the new Nationally required Trainers EDGE course. It is a requirement for all Scouters that wish to Staff for Wood Badge. It was just what I needed to get my Scouting Batteries charged and pumped to take another path on... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Wood Badge Wednesday- The Woggle

I am the assistant Scribe for Wood Badge Course W1-492-15.  This is my third time staffing Wood Badge and I am super excited to once again have the opportunity to help the participants get the very most out of their Wood Badge experience. Our... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

The Wood Badge Difference

I attended Wood Badge in 2005.  I was in my 2nd year as a Scoutmaster and the troop was growing.  I had a real strong group of Scouting friends that all encouraged me to get to Wood Badge as soon as possible.  These friends of mine were all Wood... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Mini Wood Badge Patrol Flags are an Excellent Aid for Wood Badge Presentations!

Mini Wood Badge Patrol Flags are an Excellent Aid for Wood Badge Presentations! is from the ClassB® Custom T-shirts Blog Copyright © 2010 ClassB, Inc.. This feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material in your... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

You've done Wood Badge... Now what?

Be proud of those Wood Badge beads around your neck. It was no small task to earn them. But now we bet you're hungry for even more high-level leadership training. Until last year, your options were few and far between, but not anymore. Now you can... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Wood Badge Staff Development

On Saturday I attended my first staff development meeting for this year's Wood Badge course. I get to be a Troop Guide for the second year in a row. Which means, I already have all my presentations basically ready--I just need to do some tweaking... From Adventures and Accidents 1 decade ago

Every Scouter should STAFF Wood Badge

I'm one of those guys that thinks every Scouter should go to Wood Badge. It is fantastic training that will bless the lives of not only those who take the course, but all those with whom they interact afterward. I believe it made me a better person... From Adventures and Accidents 1 decade ago

Why Wood Badge?

For those of you that have been to Wood Badge you understand the great training, the lasting friendships, and the spirit of Scouting that comes in every Wood Badge course.  You get idea that every Scout deserves a trained leader and that in Wood... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Green Bar Bill and Wood Badge

It's Wood Badge Wednesday time again.  In this post I want to share a bit about my Scouting Hero William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt. Everyone knows that William Hillcourt wrote books for the Boy Scouts of America, but few are aware of all of the... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Wood Badge: An Epiphany About Anxiety

Its been over three years since I became an Assistant Scout Master in our troop.  That entire time I have been effectively stalked to go to Wood Badge.  Each time it came up, there was something always in the way; which didn't entirely disappoint... From Lone Star Scouter 1 decade ago

Going to Woodbadge

  I was beginning to feel a little burned out after serving as the scoutmaster of Troop 68 for six years in the fall of 1987. I told Paul, a great Scouting friend of mine, how I was feeling about Scouting. He suggested that I attend a Woodbadge... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Wood Badge Wednesdays, Vol. 5: Leading to Make a Difference

It's amazing how quickly a whisper turns into a roar. Take Wood Badge tickets, for example. Each one leaves a lasting legacy, but 50, 500, or even 5,000? That kind of impact reverberates across the Scouting universe for generations. At my Wood... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Is Wood Badge Training For You?

Earlier this month, I served on staff for another Wood Badge course… this time as Senior Patrol Leader. What another great occasion it was to be surrounded by amazing people with a desire to do their best in a program that was designed to change... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 9 years ago

Wood Badge Wednesdays, Vol. 2: Bringing the Vision to Life

I've been involved in Scouting for more than 20 years, and I love trivia. At Wood Badge, those two forces collided, resulting in one giant, flaming ball of disappointment and public shame. I don't want to say too much and spoil a Wood Badge... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Life after Wood Badge

  Life after Wood Badge?  Huh?  I got my Beads and did my time.   Yes, it is true.  There is life after Wood Badge.  Some might travel to Philmont and take the Philmont Leadership Challenge.  However, if you are not … Continue reading â ’... From Scouter Adam 1 decade ago

Busy Beaver

Mid May 2010 Time to carve: 1.5 hours Finishing: 1.5 hour With the deadline for the deposit for a Wood Badge class I am going to take, I had an idea for my next slide. Now I don't know just which patrol I will be in but this slide might my critter... From Channeling Whittlin Jim 1 decade ago

Shameless plug: Join me at Wood Badge this summer at Philmont

Wood Badge + Philmont = Happy Land I interrupt my regular blog programming for this important Wood Badge Wednesdays announcement… I'm staffing Wood Badge this summer at Philmont Scout Ranch, and there's a spot on our course for you and your... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Wood Badge for the Deaf

Just watch and understand.  (If you view on Youtube you can see the captioning if set-up correctly) I am just blown away by this. Filed under: postaday, Ticket, Training, Wood Badge Tagged: american sign language, Boy Scouts of America, Deaf, Wood... From Scouter Adam 1 decade ago

In my visit to UK Scout Association, I check out the 'other' Scouting magazine

Though our magazines are crafted in offices nearly 5,000 miles apart, the editors of Scouting magazine (U.S.) and Scouting magazine (U.K.) share more than just a name. We have similar philosophies in how we cover the Scouting movement. And we must... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Bay Lakes Council to Offer Week Long Wood Badge Course

Bay-Lakes Council, located in Wisconsin, will offer a week-long Wood Badge course this August, running from Monday through Saturday, to enable participation from scouters who faith practices do not permit/enable Sunday activities. It will be at Cub... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Wood Badge Wednesdays: Puerto Rico edition

Sandra says Wood Badge was the "most exciting and incredible experience" ever. Wood Badge builds lifelong memories, regardless of the setting. So whether you're at Philmont Scout Ranch ( where I'll be staffing a course this summer ), a council camp... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Scouting Podcast!

SMM 58- Wood Badge

Welcome back to the Scoutmaster Minute… In this show we talk about Wood Badge for the 21st Century. Scott and I are both proud members of the Beaver Patrol and in this show we share some of our Wood Badge Experience as well as talk about what... From The Scoutmaster Minute Podcast 1 decade ago

Woodbadge Photos

I took the Boy Scouts of America's Woodbadge training course for adult leaders in 1988. I was a member of the Bobwhite Patrol. I was the patrol's historian so I took a lot of pictures over the three weekends. I finally found time to scan my... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Knight's Trebuchet - a simple, quick, Scout trebuchet

I designed this simple trebuchet as a more stable, robust small trebuchet. The two opposite side frames are braced against each other so it doesn't need guy lines, which is the main problem with the older trebuchet design on Ropes and Poles. The... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

A Night of Wood Badge 2016

This is the third year for a Wood Badge Dinner.  It was something that I had asked about ever since I went through in 2009.  Now, it is a staple of annual events within Cascade Pacific Council.  The first dinner … Continue reading â ’... From Scouter Adam 9 years ago

Utah's Wood Badge course for both deaf and hearing Scouters leaves nobody out

Every Scout deserves a trained leader, and every leader deserves an opportunity for high-quality training. Well, there's no better training for adults than Wood Badge, and that philosophy of "No Scouter untrained" led Utah's Great Salt Lake Council... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

10 things I learned staffing Wood Badge at Philmont

Reblogged from Bryan on Scouting: Just like your favorite film, Wood Badge is even better the second time around. Last month, I served as a Troop Guide for Wood Badge course S2-571-13-3, known within the Dallas-based Circle Ten Council simply... From Scouter Adam 1 decade ago

U.K. Scout Association is making something big out of Legos

The big new thing from the U.K. Scout Association is just an inch a half tall. And it has interchangeable heads. A creative new recruiting and awareness campaign from our friends across the pond (and fellow members of the World Organization of the... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Pioneering At Woodbadge

  I did my Woodbadge course in the fall of 1988. Yes, that was long before the current "Woodbadge for the 21st Century", but I have a feeling the core training is still pretty much the same. The course was held at Camp Stearns in central Minnesota... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Flickr Scouting Photo Groups

I thought I would post links a few of the Flickr groups that are dedicated to sharing pictures of Scouting taken in the United States and other countries. I enjoy checking these groups and see how the Scout program is being enjoyed around the... From A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

What is Wood Badge?

Wood Badge is Scouting's premier adult leader training. It was a mystery to me before I took the course, but it turned out to be simple to understand and very useful to my work in Read More &#8594... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A visit to the original Gilwell Park, the happy land where it all began

Scoutmaster Jerry : Fantastic post from Bryan from the Scouting Magazine Blog. For those of us that love Scouting and the Wood Badge experience, we can follow along with Bryan as he takes to Scouting's Mecca. Great article Bryan, thanks for... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Gilwell a place in the heart

Home from the most emotionally charged Scouting event I have every seen.  Wood Badge course W1-492-11 has left Gilwell and are now working their tickets.  The ax has been pulled from the log and the staff is either home or on their way home. I will... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Heading Back to Gilwell

I have been invited to serve as a Troop Guide for the upcoming Wood Badge course! I am extremely excited about the opportunity, yet another way to influence and share my love for the Scouting program. I tried to serve on the last two course, but... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Peyote Beading

Late June 2010 Time to carve: 0 hours Beading: 4 hours Finishing: 0 hour Looking ahead to the next few patterns, I saw the Peyote Beading slide and wondered what design to make. Also on my mind was the Wood Badge class I will be taking in the fall... From Channeling Whittlin Jim 1 decade ago

Methods- Patrols

The Patrol is, like the ideals, the foundation of the Troop.  The Patrol is where the Scout learns citizenship, it is where they practice democracy, leadership,  and teamwork.  It is where they find companionship, life long friendships, and a place... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Back on the Grid.. Back from Gilwell

Well its been about a week since the last post.. Gilwell called, and I answered!  I got back last night from a week out on the Oregon Coast for Wood Badge W1-492-11.  It was the first session of the course and my first shot at staffing Scouting's... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Issue 435 â€" March 3, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, While at the Philmont Training Center for a week-long session on advancement a few years ago-which overall was very good-we spent part of one day talking about getting a new Scout to First Class... From Ask Andy 1 decade ago


So if you listen to Scout Nation, you heard the story of the two Scouts and the fire in the hollow tree.  And the aftermath of the 'incident'.  Last night we had another incident in the Troop, no we did not burn a tree down again, but it... From The Scoutmaster 1 decade ago

Out with 2009, In with 2010…

First, I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and sticking with Scouting News this past year.  I've been deployed to Iraq the last year, which has been a hamper on the growth and sometimes timeliness of Scouting News.  The good news is I will... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Whom Do You Serve

In a recent Skype conversation with a scouter friend of mine, from Australia, the conversation turned to a topic on "whom do you serve?" An interesting question that was posed to me and there are several answers that are available and in no... From Commissioner Keith Comments 1 decade ago

Backpack Cooking

As most of you know I am Troop Guide for Wood Badge Course W1-492-11.  One of my Might Buffalo patrol members needed some help with his ticket.  One of his items is to introduce his Troop to the many different ways of preparing meals while... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

The Community of Dedicated Service

Unlike the Jamboree experience, which yielded a count down to the event (which everyone seemed to love), putting together a great Troop, heading out to the East Coast for tours and a fantastic week of the greatest single Scouting event I have been... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Physical Development Merit Badge

In an effort to learn something new every day I have been a quest to learn more about some merit badges. I have a sash that belonged to my Father in Law. The merit badges are mostly Type D and E merit badges, so they range from 1942 to 1960. They... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Pioneering (and more) with John Thurman

Richard Francis "John" Thurman  (4 April 1911 – April 1985)  was Camp Chief of Gilwell Park from 1943 to 1969. In 1943, he introduced the Gilwell woggle awarded on the completion of basic training, and the Gilwell scarf and the Wood Badge beads... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.