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Some food for thought at the World Scout Jamboree

What's for dinner at the World Scout Jamboree? The options are limited only by a patrol's imagination. It's one of the coolest things I've seen at this jamboree: Meal planning. At most jamboree events, the patrol has a set menu for each dinner. The... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

At the World Scout Jamboree, a test of pioneering (and courage)

"When you get to the top, hang onto your rope!" Those aren't the words you'll typically hear on a Ferris wheel. Then again, this isn't your typical Ferris wheel. This is the World Scout Jamboree version, a feat of pioneering that puts any monkey... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Bird's-Eye View of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree

Jamboree from Above   via the World Organization of the Scouting Movement This picture was taken from a helicopter on 29th July and published full page in Kristianstad newspaper on the 30th. The full camp site (including the main arena which is not... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Have you seen the BSA's contingent patch for the 2011 World Scout Jamboree?

Just a few minutes ago, the patch at left was delivered to my office. It's the official 2011 World Scout Jamboree patch for the Boy Scouts of America's contingent. It's more than just a cool-looking patch, though. For me, it's the first tangible... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

22nd World Scout Jamboree - Pioneering report back

Main gateway at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree, Rinkaby, Sweden As mentioned in the last post , I recently returned from the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Rinkaby, Sweden. I was travelling as the Troop Scouter of Drakensberg troop , in the South... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

The International Service Team makes the World Scout Jamboree work

How do you prepare for 29,000 Scouts from 150 different countries? I quickly found out. I arrived in Sweden on Monday to serve on the International Service Team at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. About 5,000 of us have been preparing the past two... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

22nd World Scout Jamboree- Rinkaby, Sweden

Tomorrow morning, I am joining the South African contingent to the World Scout Jamboree. We are meeting for a shake down camp outside Johannesburg for the weekend, then flying out to tour Germany and Denmark before heading to Sweden for the World... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

For Your Consideration: The World Scout Jamboree

In just five months, more than 30,000 Scouts and leaders from 161 countries around the world will converge on Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan, for the 23rd World Scout Jamboree . The registration deadline is fast approaching - you have until March... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

365 days to the 22nd World Jamboree

On the 27th of July 2011 I will be joing several thousand Scouts from around the world near Rinkaby , Sweden , for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree . I will be an Assistant Troop Scouter with the South African Contingent . I am looking forward to the... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

Pedal power at the World Scout Jamboree

What's the jamboree way to charge your cell phone? Like everything here, it combines hard work with being green. That's right, bicycle-powered cell phone chargers have arrived in the staff area at the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden. Talking to a... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

World Jambo

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree is under way right now in Japan. You can even see live streaming videos on this page (but it's 1:00am right now). The 24th will be held in 2019 at the Summit in West Virginia. Scouts from around the world will be... From Scoutmaster Musings 9 years ago

A Few Fun Facts For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

The time to register for the 2015 World Scout Jamboree is now . Just in case you're still on the fence, here are few things you need to know: 1. Where is it? The 2015 World Scout Jamboree will be held at Kirarahama, a beach located in the Yamaguchi... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Inspiring Story About The World Scout Jamboree

If you're looking for evidence that the World Scout Jamboree does in fact bring people together, try this: In the 1993 book "4000 Bowls Of Rice," author Linda Goetz Holmes wrote about a story told to her by a World War II Australian soldier named... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Spiral tower

Jason Raad from First Bergvliet Sea Scouts in Cape Town built this tower as his Springbok construction project. It's a spiral staircase, anchored around a central flagpole. All of the uprights are firmly bedded in the ground, set into holes made... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

WOSM Scout Apps for iOS and Android

The World Organisation of the Scouting Movement published an iOS app during last year's World Jamboree . In the course of the last week, the official Android app has also been released. These apps help you keep up to date with the latest news,... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

Inspiring Story About The World Scout Jamboree

Inspiring Story About The World Scout Jamboree : via Twitter From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Join Alex at the World Jamboree

The 23rd World Jamboree begins Tuesday, 28 July and concludes Saturday, 8 August 2015 in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan Alex, a 16 year-old young leader of 1st Southbourne Sea Scouts , and an Explorer at Southbourne... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

A Few Fun Facts For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

A Few Fun Facts For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree : via Twitter From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Next World Jamborees

Next year will be the 22nd World Scout Jamboree and will be held in Rinkaby, Sweden. But, do you know where the 23rd and 24th Jambos will be held? In 2015, the 23rd World Scout Jamboree is scheduled for Kirarahama, Japan. In 2019, the 24th World... From Scoutmaster Musings 1 decade ago

Association of Top Achiever Scouts (ATAS)

The Association of Top Achiever Scouts is an international association for those who have achieved the 'Top' award in their system, whether it's Queen's Scout, Eagle Scout, Springbok Scout, Fuji Scout, Tiger Scout etc . The badge, shown here, is... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

Our World Our Future - Essex International Jamboree 2012

This music video is of the song known as "Our World Our Future" which served as the official Jambo Song for the Essex International Jamboree. The next Essex International Jamboree (EIJ) will be held in 2016. All proceeds from the purchasing or... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Scouts Canada shows off its redesigned uniforms

Click to view slideshow. Check out what our neighbors to the north will be wearing this season. On Friday, Scouts Canada, which will co-host the 2019 World Scout Jamboree with the Boy Scouts of America and Asociación de Scouts de México, unveiled a... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Our jamboree photos: Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today we saw Scouts testing out a radio-controlled pirate ship, world-famous author Michael Scott answering questions from Scout reporters at the Hometown News tent, and participants leaving their handprints on giant blocks that will have an... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Beach balls, and perhaps a world record, fall at jamboree

It's not a party until someone brings out a beach ball. Thousands of Scouts, Scouters and Venturers assembled in a light drizzle Sunday to attempt to set the Guinness World Record for "most people keeping beach balls in the air." The current record... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Calvin Coolidge: The President and the Scout

In July, 1924, tragedy struck America's first family. President Coolidge and Boy Scouts Calvin Jr., the son of President Calvin Coolidge, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 16 from blood poisoning. Coolidge was devastated, and the whole... From Scouting Rediscovered 1 decade ago

Take Your Scouts to Kandersteg in 2015

The natural beauty of Switzerland's Bernese Oberland, along with the fellowship of a mini world jamboree awaits you and your Scouts in Kandersteg next summer. I've successfully provided the opportunity for my Scouts to take advantage this... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Synthetic or Authentic Scouting?

Via Curious, Useless, or Simply Interesting Scout Knowledge What  is authentic Scouting? 52 Scout leaders from 16 countries in the European Scout Region replied to a survey about the retention of young people in Scouting conducted by the World... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

ClassB Custom T-Shirts Abound At The 2010 BSA Jamboree

As the 2010 BSA Jamboree comes to a close and thousands of Scouts return home to share their experiences with their families, I think it's safe to say that this year's Jamboree was a huge success. ClassB was proud to be able to send several of our... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

This Week in Scouting â€" October 15th, 2010

Hi Scouts! The Boy Scouts of America released a brand new merit badge pamphlet and circular badge this week and they should be in Scout shops by December. It's all about Geocaching, and if you haven't tried this new techno-version of "hide and... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

Scoutmaster podcast #86: Kontiki and World Jamboree interview

Clarke Green from Pennsylvania runs a fantastic resource for adult leaders at . I recently spoke to him about my trip to the World Jamboree , as well as Scouting here in South Africa, concentrating on Kontiki. You can listen to... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

Its Official

It is finally officially after completing the paperwork hurdle I have finally become a assistant scoutmaster. Becoming a assistant scoutmaster in my Troop is very important for two very different reasons. The first reason is to be able to continue... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Bears Start Saving Now

All those Bear, Wolf, and Tiger cub scouts had better start selling popcorn and saving their allowance now. The 24th WORLD Jamboree will happen at The Summit in West Virginia in 2019. All current Boy Scouts and even most Webelos will have aged out... From Scoutmaster Musings 1 decade ago

WSJ 2011 Bulletin

Here is a link to the official first 2011 World Jamboree Bulletin: click here. Some of the highlights of this Bulletin include: Theme: the Jamboree THeme and the three areas that will help accomplish the Jamboree theme which is "Simply Scouting" BSA... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Time To Register For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

Time To Register For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree : via Twitter From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

The King of Sweden and Scouting

I have long admired the association of the King of Sweden and Scouting. This article was recently published by the WOSM; His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden, has been actively involved in Scouting since his childhood days. In 1955 he... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Messengers of Peace

Timely. As some of you may know, but now you all will… My oldest son, John, the Eagle Scout made a huge decision recently to put college on hold and follow in his Dad's footsteps and join the Army.  Not just join the Army, but do exactly what... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

The First Green Bar Bill Article in Boy's Life.

In Podcast 265-266 I played excerpts of a recording of Green Bar Bill Hillcourt where he mentions his first article in October 1932 issue of Boy's Life. The "Cover to Cover" section on page 2 introduces Bill; We start off in this issue by roping in... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

This Video Will Make You Want To Pack Your Bags For Japan

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree will be hosted by Japan in the Yamaguchi Prefecture . (In Japan, a prefecture is kind of like what we here in the U.S. call states.) There will be lots of things to do , but maybe the best part of the whole thing... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Your Legacy â€" Mentoring

When teaching leadership to both our youth and adults, we spend a fair amount of time discussing what it is that leaders do.  Being a Teacher, Coach, Trainer, and Mentor is found within the job description of any leader.  We find ourselves as... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Time To Register For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Jamboree is kind of like the Olympics: It only comes around every four years, and you don't want to miss it. But unlike the Olympics, you don't have to be a world-class athlete to represent your country. The BSA is accepting... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

No matter what you call it, teamwork works

As it turns out, teamwork is universal. In my first few days serving on the staff of the Viking section at the World Scout Jamboree, I've seen teams collaborate in innovative and fun ways. They come from different countries and speak different... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Greatest hits: My 12 most-read blog posts of 2012

For Scouts and Scouters, 2012 had plenty of ups - and a couple of downs. We welcomed changes: new merit badges, new Eagle Scout requirements, a new Chief Scout Executive, and a new high-adventure base in West Virginia, to name a few. We celebrated... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

21st Century Archery: Sporting Arrows At Jamboree

Sporting arrows are not only new to archery in Scouting, but also to the archery world in general. Similar to clay target shooting , sporting arrows are centered around automatic target launchers that throw 10-inch diameter foam targets into the... From Summit Blog 1 decade ago

Rainy days and Sundays…

Well not exactly the title to that song.. but its raining here in the great NW and I want to get out and work with my new Hennessy Hammock.  My oldest son and I bought Hennessy Hammocks yesterday.  For those of you that went to Jambo.. you saw them... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Celebrating global diversity is music to my ears

At least 15 patrols from a dozen different countries sang "Happy Birthday" to me on Monday. One problem, though. My birthday's in June. In fact, the patrols were participating in the Viking world's "Forgetful Musician" task at the World Scout... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

BSA Licensees At The Jamboree

ClassB was proud to be able to send several of our employees to visit the 2010 BSA Jamboree. As an official Boy Scouts of America® Licensee , we strive to give our employees the real-world experience we feel is necessary to provide the best... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

ClassB Goes Back In Time To Brownsea Island

Brownsea Island is the historical location of the very first Scout camp conducted by Robert Baden-Powell in 1907. One of our talented artists, Rachel, is at the Jamboree and was able to do a little time traveling! Here's what she experienced at... From Official ClassB Blog 1 decade ago

BSA Teams Up With Major League Soccer

Relationship will support BSA's athletic, leadership, and character-driven program IRVING, Texas, and NEW YORK  (January 12, 2012)-Today, at the 2012 MLS SuperDraft in Kansas City, Major League Soccer (MLS), the top-flight professional soccer... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

Start Planning for the 54th Jamboree on the Air

While the world Scout jamboree is underway in Sweden this month, the world's largest Scouting event will happen the weekend of October 15–16 at an amateur radio station near you. The 54th Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) is expected to top last year's... From Scouting News 1 decade ago

2015 World Jamboree: Five Fun Facts!

(Reposted from Boys' Life magazine's Scouting Around blog .) The time to register for the 2015 World Scout Jamboree is now. Just in case you're still on the fence, here are few things you need to know … 1. Where is it? The 2015 World Scout Jamboree... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.