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The Patrol Method: Success and Unity in 2025

Scout Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Star Life Eagle Scout Merit Badges The Patrol Method One of the Methods for Scouts BSA The Patrol Method is at the heart of Scouting. It is one of the main ways Scouts learn to be leaders, work as a team,... From Scouter Mom 2 weeks ago

Scouts BSA Trivia Quiz

How well do you know the basics? Answer some questions about the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, Motto, the meaning of the Scout Badge and more. And then find out if your answers are correct. Use this to help with the requirements for the Scouting... From Scouter Mom 5 years ago

10 tremendous Scouting resolutions for the new year

Eat healthier, get more exercise and read more. We hear about the same old resolutions New Year after New Year. So I asked Scouting magazine readers for their BSA-focused resolutions for the new year. Here are 10 of my favorites. 1. Recruit more... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Issue 509 â€" December 6, 2016

________________________________________ Hi Andy, About David Ball's question (your November 11th Issue) about adult support on outings, let me share something our Senior Patrol Leader and his ASPL did a couple of years ago… They were having... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Ask you shall receive…

Guided Discovery is the process of asking questions to achieve a learning objective.  The Senior Patrol Leader comes to you and says that Tommy Tenderfoot has a leaking tent.  You being a good Scoutmaster immediately takes action and checks out the... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Boy Led or Lord of the Flies?

I often have discussions with Scoutmasters about what constitutes a "Boy Led Troop".   There seems to be a misunderstanding as to what that means and it is executed in different ways depending on the unit.  But there is a right way to have youth... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Issue 507 â€" November 15, 2016

________________________________________ (This should have posted automatically last Tuesday… Obviously, something went wrong.  Please help out fellow Commissioner Paul Geissler ASAP, with my thanks!) The message and request below is from... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Issue 506 â€" November 11, 2016

________________________________________ VETERANS DAY The aftermath of an appendectomy gone bad, producing a lower intestinal infection that plagued me for several years, I was physically rejected by the U.S. Army on three separate attempts to... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Issue 505 â€" November 1, 2016

________________________________________ (Here are two letters that follow up on last week's troop "horror story"…) Hi Andy, Thanks for sharing the letter from "Puzzled & Confused" last week. Sometimes, when I think our troop is all messed up,... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

Issue 504 â€" October 25, 2016

________________________________________ (Nope, this isn't a pre-Halloween horror story… It's real.) Hi Andy, Our son joined a troop of his choosing when he crossed over as an Webelos, and my husband (an Eagle Scout, former Assistant Cubmaster,... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

The age-old question: How is your troop organized into patrols?

In some troops, incoming Scouts form a new-Scout patrol. In others, new Scouts are integrated immediately into a patrol with older boys. There's no one-size-fits-all technique, but there are upsides and downsides to each approach. For this Tuesday... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Issue 502 â€" October 11, 2016

________________________________________ Dear Andy, My son is working on Camping merit badge and I'm wondering if there's any guidance as far as what constitutes "planning and carrying out a snow camping experience." Is the goal specifically... From Ask Andy 8 years ago

The Life of a Serendipitist

I think it is important to have "Hero's" in life. People that we look up to or try to learn from chapters of their lives. William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt is one of my hero's. His love for the Scouting program drove him and in the end elevated... From The Scoutmaster Minute 8 years ago

Podcast 326 â€" Advice for the Senior Patrol Leader

My son was frustrated, decided to change troops, and was elected senior patrol leader in his new troop. The Scoutmaster is a man of good intentions but with a commanding presence. Over time he has taken to leading himself because it's easier and... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 8 years ago

Podcast 317 â€" Troop Leader Guidebook Vol. 2 PART ONE

What is the ninth method of Scouting? Author Mark Ray begins the second volume of the Troop Leader Guidebook with these words; Back when you first attended Scout leader training, you learned that Boy Scouting has eight methods: adult... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 8 years ago

First look: 'Troop Leader Guidebook' Vol. 2, designed for experienced Scouters

Once you've mastered the basics of Boy Scouting, it's time to level up. That's the goal of Volume 2 of the Troop Leader Guidebook , the BSA's publication for experienced leaders that addresses topics like self-evaluation, succession planning,... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Issue 470 â€" January 12, 2016

________________________________________ Hi Andy, I recently transferred councils and connected with a new troop. This troop's been around for over 50 years but right now is under brand-new adult leadership. They're trying their best to elevate the... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Where does patrol spirit start?

The cog that turns the wheels of Boy Scouting is the patrol method, and the grease that lubes the axle is something nebulously called patrol spirit. Just what is patrol spirit? It's the sense of friendship and cooperation that exists between members... From Bobwhite's Blather 9 years ago

The part-time patrol method

As a unit commissioner and Friends of Scouting presenter, I have the opportunity to visit many troops and packs and get insight into how they operate. We commissioners also talk among ourselves about problems and issues in our units. One of the... From Bobwhite's Blather 9 years ago

Traditional Scouting 101 â€" Introduction to the Patrol System

"What in the world is this ‘Patrol System'?" When I first seriously started studying Scouting and its history, I kept running across references to something called the "Patrol Method" or "Patrol System". They weren't just simply referring to... From Scouting Rediscovered 9 years ago

Traditional Scouting 101 â€" Introduction to the Patrol System

"What in the world is this ‘Patrol System'?" When I first seriously started studying Scouting and its history, I kept running across references to something called the "Patrol Method" or "Patrol System". They weren't just simply referring to... From Scouting Rediscovered 9 years ago

Scouting and Outdoors Books Wishlist

Create a wishlist of books you can send to yourself and others at the bottom of this page! Here's a big selection of Scouting and outdoors books have helped me as a Scouter and outdoorsman, they have been a source of inspiration and... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Issue 461 â€" November 19, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, I've searched your past issues, and couldn't find an answer to this question, so maybe I'm the first… I recently returned from the first of our two Wood Badge weekends, at which we were all given... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Living or Dying

A Scout Troop is a family.. and it's either living or dying.  It's either growing or shrinking, viable or withering on the vine.  There are many reasons for this, but the point of the matter is that if we are not watching for it we will let units... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Scoutmaster Podcast 282 â€" Process and Practice

What's the most important consideration; process or practice? In this week's podcast I'll answer email questions about the difference between processes that achieve our aims and practices that we adopt, young Scouts learning the patrol... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

New Star Rank Requirements

This is is fifth in a series of posts abut the new rank requirements that take effect on January 1, 2016. Scout  | Tenderfoot | Second Class | First Class | Star | Life | Eagle (these links will be active as each installment is published ) Exactly... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Scoutmaster Podcast 276 â€" Patrol Method

This encore presentation features an interview with the authors of  Working the Patrol Method,   a Scout leader's guide to youth leadership training. I think this is   the best work on the patrol method since 'Green Bar' Bill Hillcourt's Handbook... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

New Scout Rank Requirements

Here's my comments on the new Scout Rank requirements that take effect on January 1, 2016. Exactly how the new requirements are phased in is explained in this PDF document –  Notes on Transitioning to the New Requirements . I found the new... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Issue 446 â€" July 8, 2015

________________________________________ Fast upon us is the Scout summer camp season. I'm already contemplating August-September and the phone calls that will begin then. You see, I'm a Merit Badge Counselor for five in the aquatic group. "It... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Issue 445 â€" June 2, 2015

________________________________________ Hi Folks! I'll be traveling for the next 13 days, so we'll have to skip next week's column. I'll be back online the week of June 15th, so keep those letters comin' in! Happy Scouting! (Just the other day,... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Scoutmaster Podcast 269 â€" Parents and Summer Camp

We prepare our Scouts, but how about their parents? How can we help parents make it though the first week of summer camp? Entrusting the full-time care of your child to someone for such a long time, for the first time, can be challenging for... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

A Troop Revolution

Vilhelm Hans Bjerregaard Jensen was a Danish Scout who became a Scoutmaster during the early years of the Scouting Movement . He decided to see something of Scouting around the world, worked his way through Europe and England, arrived in the United... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Podcast 263 â€" Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Aid is  highly recommended , but when is it required ? In this week's podcast we'll do our best to tell you when wilderness first aid training is required (although it's just good common sense too!) , I'll also answer questions... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago


Like most units, our Troop has a new Scout Patrol that has started their Scouting adventure in earnest. They crossed over in February, like most Webelos and went on their first camp out with the Troop that following week.  The Troop went to Camp... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Issue 436 â€" March 10, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, I have all the original "See-N-Do" series of slides from the 70s, but I don't have the script to go with them. I'd like to make a PowerPoint presentation out of these and add a narration. Would... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Podcast 258 â€" Scouting's Most Important Volunteers

Is it the Council President, commissioner, or Scoutmaster? Nope, listen to find out which volunteers Scouting can't do without, and to answers to email questions about a new Scoutmaster , Scouts who won't lead , and new Scout patrols . LINKS... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Issue 435 â€" March 3, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, While at the Philmont Training Center for a week-long session on advancement a few years ago-which overall was very good-we spent part of one day talking about getting a new Scout to First Class... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

Podcast 257- Who Leads Who?

… if we have youth leading Scouts who do we lead? Find out who the Scoutmaster leads and directs in this podcast as well as answers to questions about merit badges , Webelos wearing sashes, and adult supervision of patrol meetings or... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Top 10 things to get a brand new troop up and running

Over the weekend, I had the privilege of teaching Basic Training to a group of Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters from my District…15 of them with experience that ranged from being brand spanking new in a troop just being formed to a few... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

Issue 432 â€" February 10, 2015

________________________________________ Thanks to you loyal readers and great Scouters for being patient with me! Yup, took a vacation. But by the time I returned I had a major client assignment in my lap, so I did the unthinkable: I let my work... From Ask Andy 1 decade ago

Podcast 249 â€" So Far, So Good!

So Far,  So Good! Lot's of catching up to do! It's nice to be back after a two week hiatus! In this podcast I'll tell you about my new book, So Far, So Good!  and answer email questions about how to keep a vision for all age divisions of Scouting,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

How Scouting was Saved in '79

There is a period in the history of the Boy Scouts of America that not many people like to talk about. Some of you may have heard the story before; some of you may have lived through it. I think it is vitally important for all Scouters to know... From Scouting Rediscovered 1 decade ago

How Scouting was Saved in '79

There is a period in the history of the Boy Scouts of America that not many people like to talk about. Some of you may have heard the story before; some of you may have lived through it. I think it is vitally important for all Scouters to know... From Scouting Rediscovered 1 decade ago

A New Scoutmaster â€" Chapter Fourteen

This is the fourteenth installment in a story that follows a new Scoutmaster, Chuck Grant, attempting to use the patrol method in a troop that has forgotten how. I've based this work of fiction on the stories shared by readers and listeners,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A New Scoutmaster â€" Chapter Thirteen

This is the thirteenth installment in a story that follows a new Scoutmaster, Chuck Grant, attempting to use the patrol method in a troop that has forgotten how. I've based this work of fiction on the stories shared by readers and listeners,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A New Scoutmaster â€" Chapter Twelve

This is the twelfth installment in a story that follows a new Scoutmaster, Chuck Grant, attempting to use the patrol method in a troop that has forgotten how. I've based this work of fiction on the stories shared by readers and listeners, questions... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A New Scoutmaster â€" Chapter Eleven

This is the eleventh of twelve installments in a story that follows a new Scoutmaster, Chuck Grant, attempting to use the patrol method in a troop that has forgotten how. I've based this work of fiction on the stories shared by readers and... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Gifts for Scouts & Scouters â€" Great Books

Here's more holiday gifts for Scouts or Scouters. These books have helped me as a Scouter and outdoorsman, they have been a source of inspiration and  learning practical skills, Scouting history, outdoor lore, and the Scouting program for many... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A New Scoutmaster â€" Chapter Ten

This is the tenth of twelve installments in a story that follows a new Scoutmaster, Chuck Grant, attempting to use the patrol method in a troop that has forgotten how. I've based this work of fiction on the stories shared by readers and listeners,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A New Scoutmaster â€" Chapter Nine

This is the ninth of twelve installments in a story that follows a new Scoutmaster, Chuck Grant, attempting to use the patrol method in a troop that has forgotten how. I've based this work of fiction on the stories shared by readers and listeners,... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.