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R U Going?

R U Going to Jambo? The 2023 USA Scout Jamboree dates were announced today - July 19-28, 2023 - and the Jambo website is up and running. Pretty exciting stuff for a Wednesday!... From Scoutmaster Musings 3 years ago

Summit Treehouse Not Your Typical Treehouse

For most adults, the notion of a tree house evokes nostalgia for a childhood of skinned knees and endless summers. But for Frank McCallister, a treehouse has become a way to pair technologies of the future with traditional Scouting values like... From Summit Blog 7 years ago

Daniel Carter Beard Recognition

The Summit Center at the jamboree boasts several interesting booths and activities, ranging from merit badges to information on the 2019 World Jamboree. At the Commissioner's Corner booth, an award is offered for both youth and adults who can... From Summit Blog 7 years ago

Whitewater Rafting High Adventure

Whitewater Rafting High Adventure May 2017 Cafe Press Items Keywords: Diesslin, knots scout cartoon, jamboree, rafting, whitewater, titanic, king of the world, rapids, scouts Copyright - U.S. Scouting Service Project | Visit us at... From U.S. Scouting Service Project 7 years ago

Now hear this: 2016 Jamboree-on-the-Air, Jamboree-on-the-Internet dates set

On the third weekend in October, 1 million Scouts from 150 different countries will unite to celebrate the global power of Scouting. And they'll do it without leaving the neighborhood. Join the fun by involving your pack, troop, team, post, ship or... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 8 years ago

Creating separation

Once a Scout meets the requirements for First Class the focus changes from basic skills development to discovering all that Scouting has to offer, service, and leadership. The Scout will discover Scouting through the merit badge program, high... From The Scoutmaster Minute 9 years ago

Issue 463 â€" December 1, 2015

________________________________________ Dear Andy, I have a question regarding the relationship between a troop and its chartered organization-in our case, a church, which provides us with meeting and storage spaces. In return, the Scouts of our... From Ask Andy 9 years ago

World Jambo

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree is under way right now in Japan. You can even see live streaming videos on this page (but it's 1:00am right now). The 24th will be held in 2019 at the Summit in West Virginia. Scouts from around the world will be... From Scoutmaster Musings 9 years ago

B-P's Blog â€" International Scouting

During his lifetime Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the worldwide Scouting movement, wrote many books and articles directed to Scouters. Each Sunday I'll publish a selection from his writings in the hope that you'll draw inspiration and... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

Join Alex at the World Jamboree

The 23rd World Jamboree begins Tuesday, 28 July and concludes Saturday, 8 August 2015 in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan Alex, a 16 year-old young leader of 1st Southbourne Sea Scouts , and an Explorer at Southbourne... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

The First Green Bar Bill Article in Boy's Life.

In Podcast 265-266 I played excerpts of a recording of Green Bar Bill Hillcourt where he mentions his first article in October 1932 issue of Boy's Life. The "Cover to Cover" section on page 2 introduces Bill; We start off in this issue by roping in... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

B.P.'s Blog â€" International Scouting

During his lifetime Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the worldwide Scouting movement, wrote many books and articles directed to Scouters. Each Sunday I'll publish a selection from his writings in the hope that you'll draw inspiration and... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 9 years ago

For Your Consideration: The World Scout Jamboree

In just five months, more than 30,000 Scouts and leaders from 161 countries around the world will converge on Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan, for the 23rd World Scout Jamboree . The registration deadline is fast approaching - you have until March... From Inside Boys' Life 9 years ago

Calvin Coolidge: The President and the Scout

In July, 1924, tragedy struck America's first family. President Coolidge and Boy Scouts Calvin Jr., the son of President Calvin Coolidge, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 16 from blood poisoning. Coolidge was devastated, and the whole... From Scouting Rediscovered 1 decade ago

Calvin Coolidge: The President and the Scout

In July, 1924, tragedy struck America's first family. President Coolidge and Boy Scouts Calvin Jr., the son of President Calvin Coolidge, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 16 from blood poisoning. Coolidge was devastated, and the whole... From Scouting Rediscovered 1 decade ago

Peace and Scouting

In this season of peace take a moment to consider your connection, as a Scouter, to the lofty goal set by our founder: … let us go forth from here fully determined that we will develop among ourselves and our boys that comradeship, through... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Sandringham JOTA JOTI 2013 Tower

The largest annual Scouting event in the world, The combined J amboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet , starts today. Around 700,000 Scouts and Guides from around the world are participating. Last year, this tower, designed and built by... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

Inspiring Story About The World Scout Jamboree

Inspiring Story About The World Scout Jamboree : via Twitter From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Inspiring Story About The World Scout Jamboree

If you're looking for evidence that the World Scout Jamboree does in fact bring people together, try this: In the 1993 book "4000 Bowls Of Rice," author Linda Goetz Holmes wrote about a story told to her by a World War II Australian soldier named... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

2015 World Jamboree: Five Fun Facts!

(Reposted from Boys' Life magazine's Scouting Around blog .) The time to register for the 2015 World Scout Jamboree is now. Just in case you're still on the fence, here are few things you need to know … 1. Where is it? The 2015 World Scout Jamboree... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

This Video Will Make You Want To Pack Your Bags For Japan

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree will be hosted by Japan in the Yamaguchi Prefecture . (In Japan, a prefecture is kind of like what we here in the U.S. call states.) There will be lots of things to do , but maybe the best part of the whole thing... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Take Your Scouts to Kandersteg in 2015

The natural beauty of Switzerland's Bernese Oberland, along with the fellowship of a mini world jamboree awaits you and your Scouts in Kandersteg next summer. I've successfully provided the opportunity for my Scouts to take advantage this... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

A Few Fun Facts For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

A Few Fun Facts For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree : via Twitter From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

A Few Fun Facts For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

The time to register for the 2015 World Scout Jamboree is now . Just in case you're still on the fence, here are few things you need to know: 1. Where is it? The 2015 World Scout Jamboree will be held at Kirarahama, a beach located in the Yamaguchi... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Your Legacy â€" Mentoring

When teaching leadership to both our youth and adults, we spend a fair amount of time discussing what it is that leaders do.  Being a Teacher, Coach, Trainer, and Mentor is found within the job description of any leader.  We find ourselves as... From The Scoutmaster Minute 1 decade ago

Time To Register For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

Time To Register For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree : via Twitter From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Time To Register For The 2015 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Jamboree is kind of like the Olympics: It only comes around every four years, and you don't want to miss it. But unlike the Olympics, you don't have to be a world-class athlete to represent your country. The BSA is accepting... From Inside Boys' Life 1 decade ago

Scout Video â€" Flintstones & Flash Mobs

My Scout video picks for this week include Flintstones, a  flash mob, and futuristic publications. Flintstones Jamboree Fred and Barney lead a rousing rendition of  "Old MacDonald" at a World Jamboree. Scout video of Flash Mob in Turin, Italy A... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

Registration Open for 2015 World Scout Jamboree

(Adapted from Bryan on Scouting blog) Odds are 19 out of every 20 people you meet at the 2015 World Scout Jamboree will be from a country other than the United States. How about those odds for making friends with Scouts from one of 161 different... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

Arrow of Light Adventure Requirements: Building a Better World

[cs2015] Building a Better World is one of the Arrow of Light CORE Adventure Requirements.  In the current Webelos Cub Scout program, it overlaps some of the requirements in the  Citizen Activity Badge  and the  Family Member Activity Badge as well... From Scouter Mom 1 decade ago

7 ways to celebrate Baden-Powell on Founder's Day, his birthday

Chief Scout of the World: There's no cooler title around. That's what they called Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the worldwide Scout Movement and therefore one of the masterminds behind the Boy Scouts of America. B-P was also the first recipient... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

After a Jamboree Summer, Trading is Hotter than Ever

Do you or your Scout have a BSA patch collection you'd like to add to and enhance? Perhaps it's one that's been a might neglected of late and could use some nurturing. Or maybe it's the collection you've always wanted to start… Well there's never... From ScoutStuff Blog 1 decade ago

Did You Know: TSA Edition #18

Did You Know........ The first World Scout Jamboree in 1920 was attended by 8 thousand Scouts from 34 countries as well as an alligator from Florida, a baby crocodile from Jamaica, a lioness cub from Rhodesia (AKA Zimbabwe), monkeys from South... From Scouting Maniac 1 decade ago

Beach balls, and perhaps a world record, fall at jamboree

It's not a party until someone brings out a beach ball. Thousands of Scouts, Scouters and Venturers assembled in a light drizzle Sunday to attempt to set the Guinness World Record for "most people keeping beach balls in the air." The current record... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Jamboree Participants learn the power of the post…

It's no surprise that Jambo '13 attendees have a lot to share. Waking up to world-class adventure every day, they're hot to share every thrilling moment. So whether they're postin' pics, tweeting, texting, or eblasting… they've discovered the value... From ScoutStuff Blog 1 decade ago

At the K2BSA tent, I go fox hunting with Scouts from N.C.

The beeping on Bram's handheld radio intensified, and then: "I'm getting something!" Like a trio of bloodhounds, three Scouts from Troop A120 out of Durham, N.C., were off to follow the digital scent. Eight minutes later, they found their prize: a... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Great food at the Jamboree

If this is Wednesday, it must be "Jambo-Laya" Night! Attention Jamboree 2013 Participants! We know you're going to be pushin' it , draining this historic event of every last drop of adventure, so we plan to provide the fuel to keep you going all... From ScoutStuff Blog 1 decade ago

#worldscarfday 2013 is August 1st

  I first became aware of World Scarf Day several years ago.  It was just before the World Jamboree in Sweden.   Since then, from what I have seen, it's been catching on slowly but surly within the USA. There is not much International Scouting that... From Scouter Adam 1 decade ago

Jamboree, The Dark Side

Your newest BFF must be trustworthy. You know the United States Postal Services's unofficial motto: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." How did "…gloom of... From ScoutStuff Blog 1 decade ago

Girl Scouts and Jamboree on the Trail 2013

Today was the 16th Annual Jamboree on the Trail.  It is a World Jamboree for all those in Scouting.  I have written about JOTT before. This year, due to my retirement from Pack 221 I had a few hour or two.  The Girl Scout Troop Leader asked if I... From Scouter Adam 1 decade ago

Synthetic or Authentic Scouting?

Via Curious, Useless, or Simply Interesting Scout Knowledge What  is authentic Scouting? 52 Scout leaders from 16 countries in the European Scout Region replied to a survey about the retention of young people in Scouting conducted by the World... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

2013 JOTA, JOTI Dates Announced

Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet will be held Oct. 19 and 20, 2013. JOTA and JOTI are annual World Scouting events that provide an opportunity for Scouts to communicate with other Scouts from around the world! Last year, JOTA... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

American Scouts weren't the only ones making capital visits this week

While representatives from the Boy Scouts of America toured the nation's capital this week, guys and girls from Scouts Canada did the same - only 500 miles to the north. The BSA's Report to the Nation was delivered this week in Washington, D.C. (... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

Birds Eye View of Construction at the Summit

Wanna see how things are coming along at the site of the 2013 Jamboree? With a little over 100 days to go, check out this bird's eye view of the construction effort at the Summit . Rock climbing Mountain biking Canopy tours Zip lines Challenge... From My Scout Stuff - A Scoutmaster's Blog 1 decade ago

21st Century Archery: Sporting Arrows At Jamboree

Sporting arrows are not only new to archery in Scouting, but also to the archery world in general. Similar to clay target shooting , sporting arrows are centered around automatic target launchers that throw 10-inch diameter foam targets into the... From Summit Blog 1 decade ago

Greatest hits: My 12 most-read blog posts of 2012

For Scouts and Scouters, 2012 had plenty of ups - and a couple of downs. We welcomed changes: new merit badges, new Eagle Scout requirements, a new Chief Scout Executive, and a new high-adventure base in West Virginia, to name a few. We celebrated... From Aaron on Scouting Magazine 1 decade ago

JOTA Participation Surges Nearly 500 Percent

The number of reports from the U.S. in this year's Jamboree-on-the-Air surged 200 percent from 2011, with 204 stations reporting their activities. These stations reported 18,537 Scouts participating-an increase of nearly 500 percent! Overall, the... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

The King of Sweden and Scouting

I have long admired the association of the King of Sweden and Scouting. This article was recently published by the WOSM; His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden, has been actively involved in Scouting since his childhood days. In 1955 he... From Scoutmaster Clarke Green 1 decade ago

WOSM Scout Apps for iOS and Android

The World Organisation of the Scouting Movement published an iOS app during last year's World Jamboree . In the course of the last week, the official Android app has also been released. These apps help you keep up to date with the latest news,... From Ropes and Poles 1 decade ago

JOTA Takes to the Airwaves Oct. 20 in World's Largest Scouting Event

The 55th annual Jamboree-on-the-Air will be held Oct. 20–21, from Saturday at 00:00 hours local time (midnight Friday) to Sunday at 24:00 (midnight Sunday evening). The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur... From Scout Wire 1 decade ago

Know of a blog post on this topic that I missed? Let me know.